Let's do this.
Topic #1: Pro Wrestling - Vintage CM Punk = Vintage. Oh yes.. I've spend most of today watching CM Punk's early works in the WWE, back in the ECW brand.. It was really interesting how his character, charisma and in-ring skills have improved so much in such a short amount of time - and even in the early days, he was already extremely (pun intended) good! Good to see a "raw rookie" working his crap-locker off day and night to become one of the top faces of the business. If I wear hats, I would so totally put them off for you, Mr Punk.
Topic #2: Personal - Vintage change = Vintage. Can you hear that? The winds of change are blowing. Or is that my heavy breathing due to my hyperventilation as we are getting closer and closer to my final days in college? Yeah, I think that was my massive exhalation. But nonetheless, a huge change is upon us. Ohhh yes it is. I am slowly turning myself from the world's biggest prick to one of, if not, the best in the world at what I do. But unfortunately, the only couple of things that I do is quitting early and messing my life up. So I guess I have to change the things that I do. Which would be so totally hard. But I have to. I have to make it happen. I have to do it. I will do it. And you will like it. Sure, maybe some of you would totally disagree with my opinion, but I just simply have to do it. I have never wanted anything so bad. I want it so bad. I have messed my relationship with several good friends and even my ex-S.O by doing things my way. I will no longer do things my way. I'll do it the right way. And my new way is the right way. I'll do things my new way. It's my new way, or the highway. And you know how pricey those highway tolls can be nowadays. Booya. This time I'll not give up. This time I'll do the right things. No regrets. I may not be good enough, but I deffo can be better. Now follow that.
And that's it. Sorry guys. I've missed a couple of weeks of posting, and I came back with only this short, meaningless one. But hey, it's not that meaningless. It means a whole lot to me. Each and every one of my posts means a whole lot to me. So you guys know the shtick; check out all my other (more interesting) posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube. And always remember,
"Don't believe in what they say. Don't believe in what I say. Believe in what I write."- yours truly, The Noorel. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the glory be to God.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.