Thursday, January 30, 2014

"Ain't It Fun"

Check out Paramore's latest music video, "Ain't It Fun"! One music video, 10 world records! (You can also visit their official website by clicking on their band name above. See how convenient my blog is?)

- Fastest time to smash 30 clocks with guitars: Paramore - 31.33 seconds.
- Most feathers caught in 30 seconds: Jeremy Davis - 18 feathers.
- Most vinyl records broken in one minute: Paramore - 58 records.
- Longest time spinning record on finger: Taylor York - 32.81 seconds.
- Fastest time to run through 10 banners: Paramore - 9.19 seconds.
- Most cartwheels in 20 seconds while wearing boots: Hayley Williams - 7 cartwheels.
- Fastest time to run backwards holding stuffed animals while blindfolded for 30 feet: Taylor York - 6.14 seconds.
- Fastest time to unwrap a mummy: Paramore - 9.75 seconds.
- Longest scream while riding in a convertible: Hayley Williams - 8.48 seconds.
- Most world records set in a music video: Paramore - Ain't It Fun - 10 world records!