It's time, once again, for everyone to hitch a ride on my annual roller-coaster of gratitude, as I will now list up the 10 most important entity that I would like to thank the most in 2011.. Don't be surprised if you couldn't find your name in here, as I might have left you off the list inadvertently.. So, sorry in advance.. But before we kick the list off, may I ask a question (while sitting cross-legged on the floor, ala CM Punk).. What's the point of the Frictional Blog without the Frictional part?? Again I would like to remind you if you're reading for the first time or you're just a hard-headed reader who still reads the Frictional part regardless of you being a sorry-but-I-don't-want-nor-do-I-need-any-enemy-or-fight type of guy.. Please skip the next paragraph and proceed to the end of year Thank You list.. May I remind you that the next paragraph might contain some negative slurs, adjectives and, of course, some burnt up words (then again, what's the point of the FB without those words?).. So proceed with caution.
I hate you. Really. Seriously. Totally. Undeniably. Unquestionably. Undoubtedly. 100%. I hate you. But of course, you wouldn't be reading this right now, after what happened last week after you read last week's post. Unless you're a hypocritical gelatinous parasitic tapeworm of a human being. But I don't give a blue craptastical hell about that. Hell, I could never, ever care less about you. So no thanks for you this year. Ohhh no. The only "thanks" that I might give you is for showing me how burnt up a relationship could be, how pathetic of a creature I am for putting my trust and believe in you, and for killing me without any physical contact. But I won't. Thanks to other people around me, I am now resurrected, and you need to say goodbye for this little fist-sized things that is beating like a broken metronome (maybe you've heard of this, it's called a broken heart. guess who broke it?) as this will be the last time you come across my mind. New year, new life, new breath to be taken in and out, and I certainly wouldn't wanna be breathing the same air that you do. I'm moving on. Get the frick out of my life. So much for being my S.O eh? Or maybe my best friend? Do you actually, sincerely think that putting me on a guilt trip would solve anything??? Ahhh, just shut the (you know the word) up. Can't believe what I thought would be a huge part of my life has turned straight into the biggest chapter in my book of DILLIGAF. And I certainly don't give a (you know the word). Goodbye. Sayonara. Adios. Douche.
Now that I got that piece of shiznit off my chest, let's flip a frown into a smile as I am now thanking the 10 entities who has been very helpful, supportive and basically everything to me.. Let's begin.. Shall we?
#1 - Allah SWT (God). To supply enough oxygen for me to let the flames inside me stay ignited for another full year.. And for everything that I've come across.. And for every person that I've met/get to know. And for every place I've come across.. And for every piece of time that I've spend.. Basically, for everything. Without YOU, I won't be doing what I am, was and ever will be doing. Thank you Allah.
#2 - My family. From my mother, to my big bro, to my father, all across Battery City, to all my grandmas and grandpas, my aunts, uncles, cousins, niece, all the way back to Port Dickson.. Every single member of my family.. Thank you guys. So much.
#3 - My teachers and/or lecturers. I've said enough about my teachers last year.. I'm thanking them again this year (especially my awesome Physics teacher, Mrs Azra), but I'm emphasizing on my new lecturers here in my new college.. Without them, I wouldn't be getting a 4.00 pointer (but a B for English??? are you serious bro???) for the past semester.. So thank you.. Some of the lecturers that crosses my head right now are Miss-turned-Mrs Syaza, Mr Amir-ul, Mrs Wan Rosilah and Mr Nash, all 4 being the tutorial teachers for my Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Maths classes respectively.. I'd mention the others, but I only have 3 hours left to grab my Playstation and go crazy on any game that I can put my hand on in that short amount of time, so I'll update this list whenever I have the time oh-kay? I am really sorry.. Thank you all, anyways.. As I said last year, without you guys I may not be one of, if not, the best in the world.
#4 - My long-time yet still good friends. You guys are awesome.. Seriously.. Several names that popped up in my head when I'm typing this: Zhaf (he played drums for a band and won the band competition, yet I lead-sings a Nickelback song in a medley that comprised songs by Adele and Christina Perri but I lost the acappella competition??? are you serious bro???), Yash, Ann, Ain, Nadiah, Shareena, Sue, Mariah and all the other broskis and broskettes.. Sorry guys if I've left your names.. I'm down to only 2 hours and 45 minutes of quality gaming time, so please don't hate me.. Thanks a bunch.
#5 - My internet friends. From New-Zealander Jessie Parker-Breese (who missed the annual new year chat with me; are you serious bro???), all the way to US-of-A's own Chris Torres, and also everyone in between.. You guys reek of awesomeness! I sure didn't even thought of having friends from all over the world, and you guys are being a good ones to me.. Thanks a lot guys.
#6 - Vince McMahon. For giving me and all the fans of WWE one heck of a year.. I'm proud to be a fan.. And speaking of WWE...
#7 - CM Punk and other current champions in the WWE. 'American Dragon' Daniel Bryan, 'Dashing' Cody Rhodes, 'Long Island Iced Z' Zack Ryder, Evan 'Air' Bourne, Kofi Kingston and Beth Phoenix the 'Glamazon'.. Shows how many young talents that they have in the WWE.. The future is very bright for them.. Not to take anything away from every other wrestler who work their butt off every night and day, shedding blood, sweat and tears for the business.. Again, I'm proud to be a fan.. Thank you WWE for not letting me down.
#8 - My practicum mates, better known as THE Dali. Now here, I'll take my time to drop every single name.. My broski a.k.a the practicum head Hammad Dali, his assistant Amir Bakhtiar, Aideed, Hatib, Tehpu, Umi, Zatil, Jaa, Faz, Hasimah, Ina, Yana, Efa a.k.a Hanun (epic name is epic), Atikah, Fatin Samira, Afiqah, Amirah, Chan, Chelsea, Meyy.. Ohh, and sis Nisa.. You are awesome.. Also, ex-members (but always be remembered) Abduh, Lutfi, Zakiyyah and my good friend whom I got to know since I was 8 (if I'm not mistaken), Mira.. You guys are awesome.. Like, really.. Thank you guys.. You guys made studying enjoyable.. And who can forget the acappella competition recently.. Adele's Rolling In The Deep + Christina Perri's Jar Of Hearts + Nickelback's How You Remind Me = THE Dali's Remind Me How To Roll In Your Deep Jar Of Hearts! Haha.. We did not win, but we had a massive amount of fun, didn't we? And that's all that matters.. Thank you guys.. Will never forget all of you.. Forever awesomeness-reeking are you guys. :)
#9 - My newly-found sister! Hahaha.. This is kinda self-explanatory, I guess.. No words are needed to describe how much she has done for me throughout last year.. She changed a major part of my life.. So sweet, so kind, so cute, so lovely.. Oh-kay, I'm going too far here.. She had also revived, resurrected me from my recent downfall.. No words can describe the awesomeness of her, and how much kindness she's done to me in 2011.. And the secret plan that I have for her, it's still on baybee! Hehe.. I can't summarize the amount of respect, gratitude and love (as a sister, of course) that I have for her.. Thank you so much sis.. Thank you. :D
#10 - Noorel Yaqin. Yeah. THE Noorel Yaqin. Me! Now THIS, THIS is self-explanatory. Haha.. Did I save the best for the last or what?? Thank you for being good to yourself.. For not smoking.. Haha, I'm gonna be straight edge for my whole life! For being myself, keep standing on my two feet, despite all the challenges thrown against me, despite all the backstabbing and facecrushing moments throughout the year.. Despite almost losing the ability to stand and walk when I was 7.. Despite being loved and hated for all my life.. Hey, did I copy my last year thank you wish for myself?? Ahh, forget it.. Thanks for being myself! Be jealous! Hoorah!
And that's it! May there be many more years to come.. We can only hope.. So add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on my Youtube channel.. Thanks for reading.. I fricking love you guys! Until next time.. Make sure you'll be there.
[P/S: I really need to change the heading banner and the signature of my blog. It's getting kinda outdated, you know.]
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