Saturday, March 3, 2012

Frictional Blog 14 [The Confidence Edition]


This is a very short post.. And by "very short", I mean "super-duper-ultra-hyper-mega-giga-kilo-tera short".. Nothing much to be said here.. I don't feel like blogging this week, but I still wanna drop a short post this week.. So here goes.

I WILL DO SOMETHING STUPID ON APRIL 26, 2012. Which will be my last day in college. Sheeeeahh. Remember my plan? The challenge? Well it's not about the challenge anymore. And it's not about my plan. No, it's not about the way I plan it. It's about how I'll make it happen. So what's that stupid something? Of course I won't be telling! Hah! But consider yourself warned, because you may never, eeeeeever, see this coming. Some of my friends know what I am talking about. But for the rest of you, well, until then, I'll leave you guys wondering. Yes, I will do it. BECAUSE CONFIDENCE IS IN MY NAME. No, I'm serious. My name basically translates to "the praiseworthy light of confidence".

Notice that I didn't laugh in this post? Yeah, I did not laugh ("Hah!" is not considered as a laugh, y'all). Just a small part of my ongoing change. Anyways, that's all for this week. Don't forget to check out all my previous posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to my Youtube channel. Yeah, cheap plugs, I know. But if you wanna do all that, then I'd so totally appreciate it. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.

Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.

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