I'm back, and better than ever! Welcome to Frictional Blog 23! First and foremost, I'd like to humbly apologize for not blogging more often. But then again, who am I apologizing to? Nobody knows the existence of this blog, let alone re... Oh wait. I NOW HAVE TWO FOLLOWERS! HAHA! Two small steps for a human, two giant leaps for yours truly! Anyway, I'd also like to thank you for clicking on the link leading to this blog. I mean come on, your time is wayyyyy too precious to be spent here. No wait, don't click away! Now, in this post, I'd like to recall some of the ridiculously great events occurred throughout 2013 that I deem to be personally memorable, so I decided it would be best for me to etch it in FB23 so that if one day I can't remember a single thing, at least these moments are still with me.
2013 is one of my favorite years I've lived thus far. It was fun, happening, triumphant, challenging, and hopeful. Thanks to everyone who made this year what it is to me personally. But I'm not here to show my gratitude today. Oh no, that's another story for another day (FB24, perhaps? Oh, just saying that I'll post it by December 31st. It's the annual "Thank You" edition, so mark your calendars). I got some wonderful ideas floating around in my head for a while now, and I thought if I ever am going to post them, then today would probably be a nice day to do that. So here are 5 ("five", if, for an uncertain reason, you don't read numbers) moments or memories from this year that I know I will never ever forget. In no particular order, of course.
2013 ACM-ICPC Malaysia Al-Khawarizmi National Programming Contest. Yeah, I know. What in the blue hell is an
Ladies and gentlemen, a bunch of rookies representing the UKM known as the Nexus (I hope Wade Barrett, Vince McMahon and the whole WWE are not suing me for copyright infringement) has solved three problems and ranked 13th out of all 53 participating groups, subsequently getting themselves an honourable mention in the 2013 ACM-ICPC Malaysia Al-Khawarizmi National Programming Contest. Yeah baby! Woo! My friends got better rankings than me, but who cares? #13, Honorable Mentions, woohoo! Congrats to Ideen and his Integral teammates, who ranked #10 if I'm not mistaken. The guy who persuaded me to join this contest, Zafree (personally referred to as Zap, Zapzap, Zapzapus and many other ridiculous nicknames) and his whole CariMakan team were the stars of this competition though. They answered four questions, and they were the first to answer all of those questions correctly. Hell, they were the ones who got the first "YES"! You guys should be there and join me laughing out loud as the Honorable Mentions slideshow flashed the name CariMakan on the big projector screen. At one point, the whole screen was filled with CariMakan, it's absurdly ridiculous! They owned the competition! However, they just ranked #3. But that was an awesome achievement nevertheless, and I congratulate them for that. And thanks Zap for inviting me to join you guys there. Hey, now that we're at it, you've helped me so much this year, so thanks Zap (expect more "thank you"s for Zafree on my next post)! I'd give you a friendly hug and kiss you in your forehead, but nope, maybe not. Hahaha. I love you - no homo. Priceless experience.
The return of Paramore, LIVE in Kuala Lumpur. February 17th, 2013. I'll never forget the date. I was there when they came the first time (October 19th, 2010), and I was surely pleased to be there on their homecoming.
Paramore was at Stadium Negara. My brother and I were there too. We were the only ones who were jumping off the cheapest seats during the opening act by MewithoutYou, so the security guards told us to jump off the balcony and slip through the guard rail into the Rock Zone. I jumped up and down the whole show. Jeremy, Taylor and most importantly Hayley were feet from me. Jeremy pointed and laughed at me throughout the show. Hayley stuck her tongue at me between the first verse and chorus of Misery Business, after I made a heart sign with my fingers at her (cheesy, I know. but it's Hayley Nichole Williams, so that justifies it).
That night was surreal. That night was awesome. It surely was a temporary escape from reality. Hayley seems extra-beautiful when she's standing right in front of you. My #1 celebrity crush, hands down. I love her. I thank God for this wonderful experience.
I even posted a blog entry on this concert, so why don't you guys check Frictional Blog 22 [The Paramore Experience Edition] out if you guys have an ample amount of free time? As I am typing this, FB22 is still my second most viewed blog post ever.
Teaching my juniors some computer programming. What? How? Why in the blue hell is this being referred to as one of my most memorable moments of 2013? Here's why. The juniors I was referring to were Razik and Hani (and sometimes Azra), and this set of ridiculously respectful teenagers is simply two of the kindest people I have ever met. Period.
There is no specific date for this occurrence. I taught them in numerous occasions, and believe me when I say this - I will never forget each and every single solitary moment of being around them. They really wanted to learn and understand more, and it really eased me. They were (and still are, and by God I hope and wish will always be) very nice, kind, polite, respectful and many other positive adjectives that I can't think of right now, and it super-duper-ultra-hyper-mega-giga-kilo-tera eased me. Sometimes it entertained me too. But most of the time, it humbled me. It made me aware of how rude I am. Oh, and you might never know how pleasing it is when they understood and appreciate what I were teaching, telling, sharing, guiding and helping them on. One of the best feelings ever. They made me want to be an educator more than everything else in this world.
I have a lot of things to say to these two, but I always couldn't really separate them from the huge mess in my brain and spit them out of my mouth. I don't know why, but I always have the urge to motivate them the way my best friend motivated me, although I know I probably can't. I mean, how is one of the most unmotivated man known to mankind going to motivate others? This fact actually motivates me. Hahaha (you may not be able to hear me right now, but I am screaming "What the hell am I saying?").
I wholeheartedly am sorry for every wrong I do, did and will ever do to you guys. I hope you guys do well not only in C++, but in every other subject as well. You have a lot of potential, and I really hope that you'll will reach the highest of heights someday in your lives. I love both of you like you're my own younger brother/sister, and I don't have any younger brothers/sisters, so you can consider that a huge accomplishment, I suppose? Hahaha. But seriously, I honestly love you guys. I thank you both for giving me the opportunity to help. Thanks for bringing this feeling to me again - a feeling that I have not felt, not since post-SPM. What feeling? Well, that's another story for another day (a Frictional Blog 24 cheap plug is imminent here, don't you think? It'll be the 4th annual "Thank You" edition, so don't you guys miss it. December 31st).
Daniel Bryan defeating John Cena for the WWE Championship at SummerSlam. Those who know me also know that I'm one huge - HUGE - wrestling fan. Hence, it is a given that this is one of my favorite moments is sports and entertainment history. Daniel Bryan vs John Cena, with Triple H as the special guest referee and the WWE Championship on the line.
The match was fun, emotional, back and forth, to and fro. Those saying that John Cena is a bad wrestler were silenced. Those saying that Daniel Bryan is the best damn technical wrester in the world today were chanting "YES! YES! YES!" all night (day, local time) long, me not excluded. I have been supporting both the performer Daniel Bryan and the human being Bryan Danielson as soon as I heard that he was a participant of the first season of WWE NXT. I've heard so much about him, and after some research, I just can't help but to pour every ounce of respect and love for Bryan. From wrestling in high school gymnasiums in front of 13 people to performing in stadiums and arenas in front of thousands of attendance, regardless of a dislocated shoulder or a busted eye socket, he has wrestled and outwrestled his way through his adversaries, and now look where he is today. A WWE Champion. I was watching this live via an online stream (I can't afford buying it on PPV. I'm a student, for God's sake) and was legit shocked when he pinned Cena after the running single leg high knee (made famous by Kenta, who calls it the Busaiku Knee Kick) for a three-count. I'm not going to lie, I shed some tears. Manly tears.
Daniel Bryan is a living proof that hard work and dedication WILL lead to success, and I was greatly motivated and moved by this event. Such a beautiful scenery to witness, as the crowd were chanting "YES! YES! YES!" along with Daniel Bryan with the gold in his grasp. He even thanked his parents off-microphone, but into the camera so you can still hear it although not very loud as he celebrated while confetti and fireworks are filling the arena. However, his title reign was cut short a few minutes later when Triple H performed a Pedigree on him, allowing Randy Orton to cash in his Money in the Bank contract and pin Bryan to become the new champion. And again, I shed some MANLY tears, this time in sadness and sorrow.
Aidilfitri 2013. I need to start studying now because my final exam is coming, so I'll keep this one short and sweet. This is my best Aidilfitri ever. With my cousins Lisha, Bob and Haikal, we had the greatest amount of fun we, or at least I, have ever had. If only I could spend every 1st of Syawal like this. I'd be the happiest person in the world. We did so much together and we had so much fun that I don't think I can type each and every single thing we did here without cramping my hands and my whole body. I have never felt as blessed as this day, and every single day thereafter I have been thanking God for this wonderful huge family I was born into.
And that's it! Thank you for your ever-so-precious time. Honestly, you could have spent it anywhere else and gained more out of it, but you are here, so I am really grateful. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. And if you haven't, you can add me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter to hopefully hear more from me - I'd love to hear from you guys too! So yeah, thank you, and see you guys in two days, as we're (you're not? At least I am) anticipating my fourth annual "Thank You" edition of Frictional Blog. I love you guys. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the Glory be to Allah swt.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
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