It's Frictional Blog 20! And we kick the final post of 2012 off just like we kicked the first post ever and thereafter, with a bang! First of all, I'd like to sincerely apologize for delaying FB20 for so long, because ... well, I just don't feel like writing/typing anything. I'm truly sorry. But then again, I feel like I don't owe anyone an apology, since nobody knows the existence of this blog, let alone follow and read it. Yeah, such a sad story. Anyway, it is now time for what has been a yearly tradition for about a couple of years now, as I'm thanking the top 10 entities that have been very helpful and supportive throughout the year. So, may I? =)
Oh, and just so you know, I have not write anything for quite some time, so my English may have deteriorated a bit, although not much. So please ignore my grammar mistakes and weak vocabulary, if any. Dang it, whatever the hell happened to my Shakespeare-would-be-glad-he-died-before-he-has-the-chance-to-read writing skills.
#1 - Allah swt (God). Because for another full year, He had been supplying enough oxygen for my body to let the flames inside me stay ignited for another full year. May there be many more years to come. And for everything. Literally everything. Because without Him, I won't be doing what I am doing (then again, what am I doing?) today, nor would I be doing what I've been doing over the last 19 years and whatever it is that I'll be doing hereafter. And for meeting me up with a lot of great family members and friends. Thank You. I love You.
#2 - My family. To my mother, my father, my big bro, my late sis, my late grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and all the way back to my mother. Every single one of them. Thank you guys so much.
#3 - My teachers and/or lecturers. And I am now studying in yet another academic institution, this time the National University of Malaysia. The feeling over here is great, but not as great as what I've been feeling the whole time I was at the Negeri Sembilan Matriculation Collage. But the lecturers are all great. So I have two Calculus lecturers (one being a professor and the other being a philosophical doctor, both of which are awesome), two Computer Programming ones (again, both are awesome. I'm loving this programming thingy), a Basic Economics one (trying so hard to teach me everything, but something just does not click between us two. But he's tried his best though, so all props to him), a Chemistry one (she's surprisingly awesome, to say the least) and three of them who teaches me Physics (and all three of them fall to the same category as my Economics lecturer. We just don't click with each other). If I left out anyone, please disregard my silliness and accept my humble apology. Oh, and all my previous teachers/lecturers. All of you have helped me to become who I am today and what I'll become someday - one of, if not, the best in the world at what I do. So thank you.
#4 - My friends. From those of you who've known me since I was a little boy (I suddenly remember my first best friend - an old Indian man who I knew as Aya. I loved to read back then, and he was always there to listen to what I was reading. He passed away when I was 8 or 9) until the age of primary/secondary schools, and now at uni. And also, my Internet friends, with New Zealand's Jessie Parker-Breese and US-of-A's Christopher Torres being some of the coolest international friends that I have, with honorable mentions to Jonas Seierstad, Jordan Lee, Fred Marvin, James Campbell, Farook Razak, Joel Klein, Jeremy Asuncion and a friend of one of my best friends ever, Nur Hidayah (just for some local taste in the worldwide range of names in this list). You guys are great. Thanks for killing the loneliness/emptiness that would surround me had you guys don't/didn't exist in my life. Speaking of friends, ...
#5 - S1CP7 (my second family). Studying is just not the same without you guys. You guys are like Pepsi - I have a lot of alternatives, but none is quite as addictive as you guys. At least for me. Back in matrix, we stuck together like two pieces of Velcro, which takes the fun of studying t a level never to be superseded. And the best part is that we are still in touch with each other, although we have our own endeavors to be chased. Just like a family. A strong, solidified, awesome family. And here's a strong, solidified, awesome bunch of gratitude for you guys, in the form of a bunch of YESes. YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!
#6 - Vince McMahon and his WWE roster. And once again, Vinnie Mac has kept me entertained (although at some times, he made me cringe) for a whole year. Thank you sir. And the WWE roster, wow. Congrats guys, for a great job well done this year. You guys have made 2012 a awesomeness-reeking year for us fans. Here's my Top 10 pro wrestlers (sports entertainers?) who I've owed a lot of gratitude this year: Team Hell No [Daniel Bryan (YES!) and Kane], CM Punk (BEST IN THE WORLD!), Antonio Cesaro, Team Rhodes Scholars [Damien Sandow (YOU'RE WELCOME!) and Cody Rhodes (and his mustache)], The Shield [Dean Ambrose (NOPE!), Roman Reigns (and his awesome voice. I love it when he says "romanreigns. welcometotheshieldofjustice". Yup, I believe that's how he said it) and Seth Rollins] and Dolph Ziggler. Honorable mention goes to Wade Barrett (or, as he says it, "Woi Barruh"). Aaaaaand ...
#7 - AJ Lee. Let's light it up! My new #1 celebrity crush, if you consider her a celebrity. Hey, she has a huge group of followers, so yeah, she's a celebrity. I dig crazy chicks, by the way. *skips around my room* Oh, and speaking of celebrity crushes, ...
#8 - Hayley Williams of Paramore. Yup, my former #1 celebrity crush who has been dethroned by miss April Jeanette Mendez this year. And yeah, the other members of Paramore (former and current) have all been left off this year's list, since they have done nothing throughout 2012 that deserves a "thank you", in my humble opinion. Hayley Williams, I'll see you at Bukit Kiara on February 17th, 2013. You better sing My Heart this time. Please. Or I'll leave you off next year's "thank you" list. You're welcome.
#9 - My best friend/newly-found sister. Did anyone mention "crush" just now? Then this name needs to be here right away. My ever-so-sweet, ever-so-kind, ever-so-cute newly-found sister! As I said last year, this is kinda self-explanatory. But I'll take some time to explain, nonetheless. Have you ever feel tired of living? I used to feel that way. But then I found someone who is constantly reminding me of reasons to look forward to anything and everything in life. Constantly reminding me that life is a lengthy road that is not gonna end anytime soon. Yeah, it is still a long way down the road. Oh, and here's the utmost important one. She's constantly reminding me of the Almighty One, Allah. No disrespect to any other religions. Let me tell you, this is not a love story. Oh no. I'm not pulling up my own twist of the Twilight saga here. This is a story about respect. I have the greatest amount of respect for her, as she is being a constant reminder for me. I can't tell her how much I really appreciate it. I look up to her, regardless of me being super-gigantic in height compared to her. Haha, you gotta loooooove my slinky sense of humor. I keep telling you guys and myself that I am one of, if not the best in the world at what I do, but I probably won't be doing anything right now if it wasn't for her. She supports me like the land supports millions of concrete blocks built upon it, but I don't think she has a clue. She takes my jokes as jokes, and often fights back with jokes of her own. She's a fighter! That always puts a smile on my face. She keeps me motivated. I admire her for being so strong, emotionally and spiritually. And judging by her size, I most probably won't be betting for her in terms of physical strength. Haha, I seriously need to stop making fun of people and unintentionally denigrating them. If there's a person who deserves to be denigrated, it is me for being a pitiful gelatinous hypocritical tapeworm. But my life has changed. Yes, she changed my life. She changed me. A person who used to be religiously ignorant, is now somewhat "literate", if you may, although not by much. I'm far from being fully enlightened, but at least I have started to chase after the light. I'm looking forward to learn more each day. So, am I tired of life? No, I'm not. Truth be told, I feel rejuvenated. A lot of people to be thanked for this, but here I'd like to thank her for resurrecting me. A good friend. A one-woman counseling center. A personal professional advisor. An elder sister. A younger sister, if you're judging by our heights. Haha, sorry for belittling you again. I should stop doing that. You know what? I can't wait to see tomorrow, and you are one of the main reasons. Haha. I need to stop laughing. You said it's a sign that I'm not confident in what I'm saying. Or typing. Haha. Remember? Anyway, I thank Allah for helping me getting to know you. This is a super-lengthy thank-you note, just to let you know that I appreciate you. I can't summarize the amount of respect, gratitude and love (as your brother, of course) that I have for you. Being your personal portable dictionary is the least I can do. Thank you so much sis. =)
#10 - Noorel Yaqin. Yes, myself. Now THIS, THIS is self-explanatory. Haha. Thank you for being good to yourself. For not drinking Pepsi for ... wait for it ... 3 STRAIGHT MONTHS BAYBEE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!! For not trying cigarettes, alcohols or any of those weird shiznits. I'm gonna be straight edge for my whole life! For being myself, standing on my two feet. Despite all the challenges thrown against me. Despite all the backstabbing and facecrushing moments throughout the year. Despite almost losing the ability to stand and walk when I was 7, and a whole lot other times thereafter. Despite being loved and hated for all my life. Yeah, I copied my last year's "thank you" wish. It's my blog! Haha.
And that's it! May there be many more years to come. We can only hope and pray. So check out all my other posts (sorry for the lack of posting), add me on Facebook (sorry for the lack of posting on here as well) and follow me on Twitter (and sorry for the super-duper-ultra-hyper-mega-giga-kilo-tera lack of tweeting, too). Thanks for reading! I love you guys! Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the Glory be to Allah swt.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Frictional Blog 19.875 [The Filler To The Filler To The Filler (a.k.a What In The Blue Hell Is Up With These Crappy Fillers?) Edition]
Yup, that was a super lengthy title. Nope, this is NOT Frictional Blog 20. Just a short note reminding you to be prepared for FB20. Then again, nobody knows of the existence of this blog, let alone reads it. Meh. Anyways, to make this post a bit more interesting in comparison to the last fews, I'm posting an awesome rhyming composition that I randomly made and posted on my Facebook weeks back. Remember: DON'T believe in what people say. DON'T believe in what I say. Believe in what I write, instead. Cue the smiley. : )
Praises be to Allah swt, for lending me some time.
And for this piece of advice that I'm putting in this rhyme.
Why bother looking for love? It will only do you harm.
Life is a long journey, someday the time will come.
If you have funny feelings in your heart, don't tell her then and there.
For if she's the one for you, then she's not going anywhere.
Keep praying to Allah swt, for everything, only He knows.
If you believe you're ready, then go ahead and propose.
Coupling is wrong, and away you should not be carried.
The best time to fall in love is after you're married.
I'm not looking for a girlfriend, so please get out of my way.
I'm doing things the right way, and that's all that I have to say.
These awesome words, they're neither copied nor pasted.
These are my own piece of mind and time being well wasted.
Awesome rhyme, that was fun.
Point out, I'm already done. :)
Yeah, I spent 3 long hours trying to put up this post. Hehe. With love and respect! ♥
Sunday, 28 October 2012 at 16:56
So check out all my previous posts, add me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. Oh, and my Youtube channel has already been taken down. Cry. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the Glory be to Allah swt.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Yup, that was a super lengthy title. Nope, this is NOT Frictional Blog 20. Just a short note reminding you to be prepared for FB20. Then again, nobody knows of the existence of this blog, let alone reads it. Meh. Anyways, to make this post a bit more interesting in comparison to the last fews, I'm posting an awesome rhyming composition that I randomly made and posted on my Facebook weeks back. Remember: DON'T believe in what people say. DON'T believe in what I say. Believe in what I write, instead. Cue the smiley. : )
Praises be to Allah swt, for lending me some time.
And for this piece of advice that I'm putting in this rhyme.
Why bother looking for love? It will only do you harm.
Life is a long journey, someday the time will come.
If you have funny feelings in your heart, don't tell her then and there.
For if she's the one for you, then she's not going anywhere.
Keep praying to Allah swt, for everything, only He knows.
If you believe you're ready, then go ahead and propose.
Coupling is wrong, and away you should not be carried.
The best time to fall in love is after you're married.
I'm not looking for a girlfriend, so please get out of my way.
I'm doing things the right way, and that's all that I have to say.
These awesome words, they're neither copied nor pasted.
These are my own piece of mind and time being well wasted.
Awesome rhyme, that was fun.
Point out, I'm already done. :)
Yeah, I spent 3 long hours trying to put up this post. Hehe. With love and respect! ♥
Sunday, 28 October 2012 at 16:56
So check out all my previous posts, add me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. Oh, and my Youtube channel has already been taken down. Cry. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the Glory be to Allah swt.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Frictional Blog 19.75 [The Filler To The Filler Edition]
My bad. I promised, and I failed to deliver. I'm in uni right now, and I've come up with a new promise.
I'll post Frictional Blog 20 as soon as I own a laptop, which hopefully would be pretty soon. Keep the prayers to Him going non-stop, and our fingers crossed.
For now, check out all my previous posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube before any of the aforementioned pages gets taken down.
Until then, I leave you with my truest, deepest, most sincere apology.
With peace, love and respect,
All of the Glory be to Allah swt.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
My bad. I promised, and I failed to deliver. I'm in uni right now, and I've come up with a new promise.
I'll post Frictional Blog 20 as soon as I own a laptop, which hopefully would be pretty soon. Keep the prayers to Him going non-stop, and our fingers crossed.
For now, check out all my previous posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube before any of the aforementioned pages gets taken down.
Until then, I leave you with my truest, deepest, most sincere apology.
With peace, love and respect,
All of the Glory be to Allah swt.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Frictional Blog 19.5 [The Filler Edition]
What is up, guys! Yours truly here giving a quick update on the status of Frictional Blog.
There are no updates on the status of Frictional Blog.
So that's it for this time! No, just kidding. Listen, I'm sorry for the lack of posting here. It's just that I don't really think I have something blog-worthy, if you feel me. Nothing super-awesome is happening in my life right now, so why kill my time (and yours too) writing (and reading, on your behalf) anything that's not worth reading? So I'm on a mini hiatus right now. Well oh-kay, "mini" is not the most probable and suitable word to be used here. But no worries, because I have set a wonderful return date for you guys (it's kinda stupid, you know, since I'm pretty certain that no one even realizes the existence of this blog, let alone reading it). I'll post something new on July 20, 2012. Two days after my practicum reunion (well, not really, since only 7 out of 24 invited members are confirmed to attend), and 3 days after my birthday (which is next week. hoorah!).
And that's it! Don't forget to check out all my previous posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on my Youtube channel before it gets taken down. Haha. And on that note, until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
Oh, and please don't ask me about my newly-found sister (who I probably should refer to as my crush now). I'm reverting back to my original plan in which I haven't tell you guys, so just wait and see. I'll hit you guys back in 2018, if God lets us to live that long, InsyaAllah. *insert smiley face here*
All of the Glory be to God, Allah swt.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
What is up, guys! Yours truly here giving a quick update on the status of Frictional Blog.
There are no updates on the status of Frictional Blog.
So that's it for this time! No, just kidding. Listen, I'm sorry for the lack of posting here. It's just that I don't really think I have something blog-worthy, if you feel me. Nothing super-awesome is happening in my life right now, so why kill my time (and yours too) writing (and reading, on your behalf) anything that's not worth reading? So I'm on a mini hiatus right now. Well oh-kay, "mini" is not the most probable and suitable word to be used here. But no worries, because I have set a wonderful return date for you guys (it's kinda stupid, you know, since I'm pretty certain that no one even realizes the existence of this blog, let alone reading it). I'll post something new on July 20, 2012. Two days after my practicum reunion (well, not really, since only 7 out of 24 invited members are confirmed to attend), and 3 days after my birthday (which is next week. hoorah!).
And that's it! Don't forget to check out all my previous posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on my Youtube channel before it gets taken down. Haha. And on that note, until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
Oh, and please don't ask me about my newly-found sister (who I probably should refer to as my crush now). I'm reverting back to my original plan in which I haven't tell you guys, so just wait and see. I'll hit you guys back in 2018, if God lets us to live that long, InsyaAllah. *insert smiley face here*
All of the Glory be to God, Allah swt.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Frictional Blog 19 [The Second Picture Worth A Thousand Words Edition]
Hello again everybody! Well, this will be a quick one. I'm pretty busy this week. Hell, I'm pretty busy the whole month, and this is actually supposed to be a 4-month break! What in the blue hell? Anyways, I don't have much time tonight, so I'll just post a screencap of my Facebook page while I look for a suitable day where I can type a lengthy post. Sheeah.. :)
Yeah, I just noticed some grammatical errors in there. Stupid me. Well, until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the Glory be to God.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Hello again everybody! Well, this will be a quick one. I'm pretty busy this week. Hell, I'm pretty busy the whole month, and this is actually supposed to be a 4-month break! What in the blue hell? Anyways, I don't have much time tonight, so I'll just post a screencap of my Facebook page while I look for a suitable day where I can type a lengthy post. Sheeah.. :)
Yeah, I just noticed some grammatical errors in there. Stupid me. Well, until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the Glory be to God.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Frictional Blog 18 [The Musical Monday (!?) Edition]
Hey, what's up you guys? Remember when I started doing this blog, I had a Musical Monday post on every, well, Monday? Haha. Unfortunately, it's not returning. This is kinda like a one-shot only. Cue the tears. :_(
Nahh, actually I'm joining an article writing competition, and this is basically a draft of what I am submitting to them. Read it up! Hope you guys like it.
In conjunction with its music video that has recently reached the 200-million-view mark, this article is written for the sole purpose of dissecting the lyrics of Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye, featuring Kimbra. Okay, that sounds weird. But nonetheless, here we go. Before we begin, let us get ourselves to know a bit or less about Gotye and Kimbra.
Wouter De Backer, better known by his stage name Gotye (pronounced as go-tee-air) was born on May 21, 1980 at Belgium. He then moved with his family to Australia when he was two. Having his voice compared to the likes of Sting, Phil Collins and Peter Gabriel, as a youth, he began learning to play instruments like piano and drums, but not until February 2003 did he release his first album, Boardface. Three years later, he released his second album entitled Like Drawing Blood. On August 19, 2011, his latest album, Making Mirrors was released. The first single off the album, Eyes Wide Open did pretty well as it went #55 in Australia and #96 in the United States. Somebody That I Used To Know, however, was his true breakthrough single as it peaked at #1 on song charts in over 18 countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom.
Kimbra Johnson was born on March 27, 1990 at Hamilton, New Zealand. Not much to be said of her, besides the fact that at the age of 14, she was the runner-up of the 2004 Rockquest competition. So far, she has only released an album titled Vows.
If you haven't heard the song yet, you must be living under a 42-inch rock or a very huge coconut shell or something. But no worries. Here is the song. Give it a listen.
Now, let's go behind the words of the song.
Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
I told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love and it's an ache I still remember
In the first part of the first verse, Gotye recalls his relationship with his ex-girlfriend. He kept thinking to himself that he was happy, albeit feeling like she was never there for him when he needed her. Damn, he must be really unhappy with this girl. Basically, what he felt is so totally different from what he wanted himself to feel. That feeling sucks so badly, but unfortunately the memory would not leave him in peace.
You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end, always the end
So when we found that we could not make sense
Well you said that we would still be friends
But I'll admit that I was glad that is was over
Well, in the second part of the verse, Gotye tells us about how he just would not let go of this "love" that is slowly killing him, and who can blame him? It was love, and love makes you blind. That is, until a point where you just feel like you have had enough and decide to throw it all away. Okay, I went too far there. He was too into his relationship with this girl, despite his pain and suffering, until it came to the point that both of them decided to end it because, well, they just could not make sense. And he was relieved! Shocking! For him, of course.
But you didn't have to cut me off
Make it like it never happened and that we were nothing
I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
And here's the first part of the chorus. Well, previously she told him that they would still be friends. Well, screw that! She totally neglects him, acts like they never even knew each other while he has been there for her for so long. Wow girl, you are so cold-hearted. He doesn't really care for their love past though. All he is asking for is a "hello" every once in a while, and she won't even give him that. I already hate this girl by this point of the song. But it's about Gotye though. Please don't let me stray you away from this song.
No, you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
Guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Second part of chorus, and boy, did Gotye lose all the respect that he has ever had on this girl or what? He just wants to be friends with this girl, and what does this girl do in respond? Trying her best to make sure he won't be able to contact her, ever again. Never in his life would he ever thought that she would cower herself away from all this. He used to know her, but not anymore. In other words, he's giving her a taste of her own medicine by playing her own games against her. Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, excuse my irrelevant over-emotional opinion right here.
Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
But had me believing it was always something that I'd done
But I don't want to live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know
The second verse, also known as the Kimbra part. Here, Kimbra is being Gotye's new girlfriend or so. Judging on the lyrics though, it seems like she almost breaks up with him. Kimbra is trying to say that although Gotye's ex is the one ruining their relationship, his obsession with this girl that he supposedly just used to know that is screwing him. And who can deny that? I mean, when you are having a relationship with someone, and this particular someone keeps on talking about his ex all the time, it's not cool. Just, not cool. Yes, he is over that girl, but not over what she's done to him.
And after that, Gotye sings the chorus again, while Kimbra screams "Oh!" throughtout the end, almost as if she's fighting Gotye's anger towards his ex with an anger of her own. Gotye is, like, "That girl screws us! I can't believe she did this to me!" while Kimbra is "Shut up and get over it, you ignoramus!". Yeah, a catastrophic ending to a catastrophic situation. And how can you not feel this song? This song is just awesome, in every way! The melody is different from all the other tunes that are blasted on our stereos today, and the lyrics is just, well, rock-solid! Such a meaningful, lyrical song.
Before I end this post, I would like to share my Top Three favorite covers of this wonderful song. Check them out.
#3 - Myles Erlick and Mylie Taylor - Pure emotion, and it comes from two kids!
#2 - Noah Guthrie and Christina Grimmie - Two power vocals doing what they do best.
#1 - Walk Off The Earth - Four men, a woman and a guitar. And one of them has an epic beard.
And on that note, it's the end of the article. Thank you for reading!
And that's it. Hope you guys like it! Check out my other posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the Glory be to God
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Hey, what's up you guys? Remember when I started doing this blog, I had a Musical Monday post on every, well, Monday? Haha. Unfortunately, it's not returning. This is kinda like a one-shot only. Cue the tears. :_(
Nahh, actually I'm joining an article writing competition, and this is basically a draft of what I am submitting to them. Read it up! Hope you guys like it.
In conjunction with its music video that has recently reached the 200-million-view mark, this article is written for the sole purpose of dissecting the lyrics of Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye, featuring Kimbra. Okay, that sounds weird. But nonetheless, here we go. Before we begin, let us get ourselves to know a bit or less about Gotye and Kimbra.
Wouter De Backer, better known by his stage name Gotye (pronounced as go-tee-air) was born on May 21, 1980 at Belgium. He then moved with his family to Australia when he was two. Having his voice compared to the likes of Sting, Phil Collins and Peter Gabriel, as a youth, he began learning to play instruments like piano and drums, but not until February 2003 did he release his first album, Boardface. Three years later, he released his second album entitled Like Drawing Blood. On August 19, 2011, his latest album, Making Mirrors was released. The first single off the album, Eyes Wide Open did pretty well as it went #55 in Australia and #96 in the United States. Somebody That I Used To Know, however, was his true breakthrough single as it peaked at #1 on song charts in over 18 countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom.
Kimbra Johnson was born on March 27, 1990 at Hamilton, New Zealand. Not much to be said of her, besides the fact that at the age of 14, she was the runner-up of the 2004 Rockquest competition. So far, she has only released an album titled Vows.
If you haven't heard the song yet, you must be living under a 42-inch rock or a very huge coconut shell or something. But no worries. Here is the song. Give it a listen.
Now, let's go behind the words of the song.
Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
I told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love and it's an ache I still remember
In the first part of the first verse, Gotye recalls his relationship with his ex-girlfriend. He kept thinking to himself that he was happy, albeit feeling like she was never there for him when he needed her. Damn, he must be really unhappy with this girl. Basically, what he felt is so totally different from what he wanted himself to feel. That feeling sucks so badly, but unfortunately the memory would not leave him in peace.
You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end, always the end
So when we found that we could not make sense
Well you said that we would still be friends
But I'll admit that I was glad that is was over
Well, in the second part of the verse, Gotye tells us about how he just would not let go of this "love" that is slowly killing him, and who can blame him? It was love, and love makes you blind. That is, until a point where you just feel like you have had enough and decide to throw it all away. Okay, I went too far there. He was too into his relationship with this girl, despite his pain and suffering, until it came to the point that both of them decided to end it because, well, they just could not make sense. And he was relieved! Shocking! For him, of course.
But you didn't have to cut me off
Make it like it never happened and that we were nothing
I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
And here's the first part of the chorus. Well, previously she told him that they would still be friends. Well, screw that! She totally neglects him, acts like they never even knew each other while he has been there for her for so long. Wow girl, you are so cold-hearted. He doesn't really care for their love past though. All he is asking for is a "hello" every once in a while, and she won't even give him that. I already hate this girl by this point of the song. But it's about Gotye though. Please don't let me stray you away from this song.
No, you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
Guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Second part of chorus, and boy, did Gotye lose all the respect that he has ever had on this girl or what? He just wants to be friends with this girl, and what does this girl do in respond? Trying her best to make sure he won't be able to contact her, ever again. Never in his life would he ever thought that she would cower herself away from all this. He used to know her, but not anymore. In other words, he's giving her a taste of her own medicine by playing her own games against her. Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, excuse my irrelevant over-emotional opinion right here.
Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
But had me believing it was always something that I'd done
But I don't want to live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know
The second verse, also known as the Kimbra part. Here, Kimbra is being Gotye's new girlfriend or so. Judging on the lyrics though, it seems like she almost breaks up with him. Kimbra is trying to say that although Gotye's ex is the one ruining their relationship, his obsession with this girl that he supposedly just used to know that is screwing him. And who can deny that? I mean, when you are having a relationship with someone, and this particular someone keeps on talking about his ex all the time, it's not cool. Just, not cool. Yes, he is over that girl, but not over what she's done to him.
And after that, Gotye sings the chorus again, while Kimbra screams "Oh!" throughtout the end, almost as if she's fighting Gotye's anger towards his ex with an anger of her own. Gotye is, like, "That girl screws us! I can't believe she did this to me!" while Kimbra is "Shut up and get over it, you ignoramus!". Yeah, a catastrophic ending to a catastrophic situation. And how can you not feel this song? This song is just awesome, in every way! The melody is different from all the other tunes that are blasted on our stereos today, and the lyrics is just, well, rock-solid! Such a meaningful, lyrical song.
Before I end this post, I would like to share my Top Three favorite covers of this wonderful song. Check them out.
#3 - Myles Erlick and Mylie Taylor - Pure emotion, and it comes from two kids!
#2 - Noah Guthrie and Christina Grimmie - Two power vocals doing what they do best.
#1 - Walk Off The Earth - Four men, a woman and a guitar. And one of them has an epic beard.
And on that note, it's the end of the article. Thank you for reading!
And that's it. Hope you guys like it! Check out my other posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the Glory be to God
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Frictional Blog 17 [The Outcome Edition]
Let me be the first to tell you that I am pathetic. YES! Yes, I am. After months of build-up, all I have to do is to just speak and tell. But I didn't do exactly that. Let's talk about that.
Guess what? My college run has ended, like, 2 weeks ago. Yeah, time flies when you. Always remember though, to keep your 2 feet on the ground regardless of how high you are flying. Oh-kay, that makes no sense, neither relates to my topic. Blah blah blah. But then again, I don't really know what's the point of this post, so I'll keep on writing with no direction until I stray far enough and decide to publish this. Yes, back to the stem of this paragraph. Supposedly, I wanna (well, have to, NEED TO) tell something to someone (refer to my previous post). It's not that big of a deal though. ......ahh, who am I kidding? It is a big deal. The biggest deal I have ever made (supposedly) in my life. So I was getting ready. Very ready. Never have I been readier in my life. And then it never happened. Never. Ever. Well, we had our final exam paper in different halls, which made it a bit harder to meet her. And then she had a lot of things to be settled that day. And then I tried to consult with her so that she would lend me some of her precious, valuable time to hear something that I had been keeping in and wanting to get off my chest. However, her brother reached there a bit early, and she told me to tell her whatever it is that I wanted to tell her on Facebook, and you know I most probably won't do it there, so basically my speech of declaration was just not meant to be. Cue the tears. :_(
It's just sad, guys. Disappointing. I really wanna do this, you know. I really have to do this. But then, it seems like I am incapable of doing it. For once, I wanna do things the right way, but I just can't. It sucks. It sucks so bad. It so totally scrapes the bowel of sucktitude. I never wanted anything, anyone so badly. I don't wanna, you know, not do this. But there are just too many things not letting me do it. One of which is my doubt. I am super-doubtful right now. Well, I am almost certain that her response would just be either a "No" or a combination of a beautiful smile and going off without leaving me a single clue, hint or even word. A part of me says that it's okay. After all, I myself said once before, that I just simply wanna do this and I would take anything as an answer. The other part of me, though, is telling me that I should not do it, because I don't really wanna hear "No" as her answer. As I mentioned earlier, I never wanted anything so badly. I want her so much, and that is just not right. The reason I wanted to do this in the first place is to do something that would make my mother proud. "Life is a long journey," said my newly-found-sister-turned-crush. There are lots of other things for me to do. This particular thing right here can be pushed aside first, I guess. Maybe I can do it when I am REALLY ready; when I have TRULY changed. "Now" does not seem like the right time.
And there's another thing. As I said just now, she is my newly-found-sister-turned-crush. The emphasis is on the word "sister" here. Yeah. We are just good friends, but she always treats me as her little brother. And as a brother, to tell your "sister" that you like her is just...... not cool...... you know? It's just not right. She won't like it. I know it. She respects me like a sibling, and I know she wants the feeling to be mutual. For me to ask for something different when she is giving me something else is just so messed up. What's my point again? Oh well, whatever, never mind. See, here's the thing. I love my mother, and would do anything to give her the best. Especially the best son that she could possibly have. But I realized that I was a bad son. This girl who I have always respected like she is a sister to me has inadvertently initiated a change in me. This girl gave me a reality check, or so to say. I am turning good, or at least better than my former self. And then I wanna give my mother the best present ever, in this girl. Not now, of course. Maybe 5, 6 years later. I don't have the right to love this girl, but I really like her. But this is not about me liking her (although I do like her so much). This is about the massive amount of respect that I have for her. I respect her so much that I don't even know if I should do this. I won't regret saying this thing that I'm saying, but is it better than keeping my mouth shut and just go without saying it? By the way, tomorrow is her 20th birthday. Happy birthday! Age is just an increasing number. You will be forever young. Cue the smiley. =)
Oh, and as I said (posted) in Frictional Blog 8,if when she reads all this, I'm so totally dead.
And I think that's all for today. Before you leave, check out all my other posts (especially Frictional Blog 16 [The Tell-All Edition]), add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube. As always, don't believe in what they say. Don't believe in what I say. Believe in what I write. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the Glory be to Allah SWT (God).
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Let me be the first to tell you that I am pathetic. YES! Yes, I am. After months of build-up, all I have to do is to just speak and tell. But I didn't do exactly that. Let's talk about that.
Guess what? My college run has ended, like, 2 weeks ago. Yeah, time flies when you. Always remember though, to keep your 2 feet on the ground regardless of how high you are flying. Oh-kay, that makes no sense, neither relates to my topic. Blah blah blah. But then again, I don't really know what's the point of this post, so I'll keep on writing with no direction until I stray far enough and decide to publish this. Yes, back to the stem of this paragraph. Supposedly, I wanna (well, have to, NEED TO) tell something to someone (refer to my previous post). It's not that big of a deal though. ......ahh, who am I kidding? It is a big deal. The biggest deal I have ever made (supposedly) in my life. So I was getting ready. Very ready. Never have I been readier in my life. And then it never happened. Never. Ever. Well, we had our final exam paper in different halls, which made it a bit harder to meet her. And then she had a lot of things to be settled that day. And then I tried to consult with her so that she would lend me some of her precious, valuable time to hear something that I had been keeping in and wanting to get off my chest. However, her brother reached there a bit early, and she told me to tell her whatever it is that I wanted to tell her on Facebook, and you know I most probably won't do it there, so basically my speech of declaration was just not meant to be. Cue the tears. :_(
It's just sad, guys. Disappointing. I really wanna do this, you know. I really have to do this. But then, it seems like I am incapable of doing it. For once, I wanna do things the right way, but I just can't. It sucks. It sucks so bad. It so totally scrapes the bowel of sucktitude. I never wanted anything, anyone so badly. I don't wanna, you know, not do this. But there are just too many things not letting me do it. One of which is my doubt. I am super-doubtful right now. Well, I am almost certain that her response would just be either a "No" or a combination of a beautiful smile and going off without leaving me a single clue, hint or even word. A part of me says that it's okay. After all, I myself said once before, that I just simply wanna do this and I would take anything as an answer. The other part of me, though, is telling me that I should not do it, because I don't really wanna hear "No" as her answer. As I mentioned earlier, I never wanted anything so badly. I want her so much, and that is just not right. The reason I wanted to do this in the first place is to do something that would make my mother proud. "Life is a long journey," said my newly-found-sister-turned-crush. There are lots of other things for me to do. This particular thing right here can be pushed aside first, I guess. Maybe I can do it when I am REALLY ready; when I have TRULY changed. "Now" does not seem like the right time.
And there's another thing. As I said just now, she is my newly-found-sister-turned-crush. The emphasis is on the word "sister" here. Yeah. We are just good friends, but she always treats me as her little brother. And as a brother, to tell your "sister" that you like her is just...... not cool...... you know? It's just not right. She won't like it. I know it. She respects me like a sibling, and I know she wants the feeling to be mutual. For me to ask for something different when she is giving me something else is just so messed up. What's my point again? Oh well, whatever, never mind. See, here's the thing. I love my mother, and would do anything to give her the best. Especially the best son that she could possibly have. But I realized that I was a bad son. This girl who I have always respected like she is a sister to me has inadvertently initiated a change in me. This girl gave me a reality check, or so to say. I am turning good, or at least better than my former self. And then I wanna give my mother the best present ever, in this girl. Not now, of course. Maybe 5, 6 years later. I don't have the right to love this girl, but I really like her. But this is not about me liking her (although I do like her so much). This is about the massive amount of respect that I have for her. I respect her so much that I don't even know if I should do this. I won't regret saying this thing that I'm saying, but is it better than keeping my mouth shut and just go without saying it? By the way, tomorrow is her 20th birthday. Happy birthday! Age is just an increasing number. You will be forever young. Cue the smiley. =)
Oh, and as I said (posted) in Frictional Blog 8,
And I think that's all for today. Before you leave, check out all my other posts (especially Frictional Blog 16 [The Tell-All Edition]), add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube. As always, don't believe in what they say. Don't believe in what I say. Believe in what I write. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the Glory be to Allah SWT (God).
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Frictional Blog 16 [The Tell-All Edition]
I tweeted earlier today that I'll tell it all. Well, here goes. Let's do this.
Some say I am a good guy, a heck of a good person, of a gentleman. Some say I am a genius. And then there are people who think that I am a self-centered egomaniac who doesn't have the courage to admit my flaws. If you are of any one of the groups listed above, well then you are wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. And wrong. I'm not a good guy. I'm not a clever guy. I'm not that self-centered. Ask those who know me. They would tell you people of how humble I am. But I'm not here to talk about my humbleness. Nor am I talking about me being good or a genius. I would like to take this time to tell it all. Yes, all of it. All of my weaknesses. My ignorance. My flaws. I've become what a mother wouldn't want in a son. Of course, she never told me that, but I can pretty much guess it. Let's talk about that.
Now of course, there isn't enough time for me to write everything here, but I'll do my best to put up some of my biggest mistakes in my life here. And here's one of them. Back when I was 7 years old, I've almost lost my ability to walk, due to a severe dislocation on my right patella (that's the kneecap) that kept me out of school (and the outside world) for roughly 4 months. My family, especially my mother, has been more than helpful throughout that time and up until this day. And thanks to them, to her and to Allah SWT (God), I am now still able to be walking on this little planet called Earth. But I take it for granted. I don't give even the minimal amount of damn to my well-being. I don't keep a good care to my health. I am an ingrate. An ignorant person. I'm a bad guy.
And then there's the year 2010. Also known as a year I wish I never lived in. Damn regret. I'm still trying to forget. Around this time, I was in a relationship that I currently treat as a nonexistent. Don't ask why. Well, my mother has repeatedly told me to NOT involve myself in any sorts of relationship. I'd end up hurting, she said. And guess what? I heed that advice. Like the ignorant person that I am. Hahh. And now I'm hurting. Hahh. Stupid. And even worse, do you guys remember that Paramore was coming to KL on October 19? Yes, I was there. With my then-girlfriend. But at what cost? Well, my mother's well-being. My mother had, and is still having, a sickness called Paraumbilical Hernia. And by that time she was about to have her second (if I'm not mistaken) operation due to a re-exaggeration of her hernia. My ex-girlfriend didn't have enough money to afford the tickets, so my mother gave her the money that was supposed to be used for the operation's bill. So the operation was off. And guess what? My mother even followed along me to Mid Valley when I was going to buy the tix, because she didn't want anything bad to happen to me. So the concert went well. My mother? Not so much. She went to a condition that has never been worse in her life. Ever. It pains and hurts me to say that I have seen my mother screeching in pain on her mattress (we don't sleep on beds in my home) as if she's dying. And yet I decided to go to a Paramore concert with a girl who was in a relationship with me for merely eighteen months! I risked my mother's life! I know I have promised to not curse on my blog ever again, but screw it! Screw it! All of it! Screw it all! I regret it! I am disappointed with myself! And trust me when I say this; I do regret more than I am admitting right now. I'm a bad guy.
And yes. We've come to the final stop before I end this blog, which will be my final blog before I head into my final exam and subsequently leave my college on April 26, but not before I do something that will change my life forever, but nonetheless. Well, throughout my nearly nineteen years of wasted life, my mother has been asking for only one thing. She's been asking for something that would make her the happiest mother in the world. She wants me to pray. Not that hard. 5 minutes per run, 5 runs per day. Simple enough right? Well, not for me. It's not that I couldn't do it. I was too lazy to do it. I rarely pray. Hell, "rarely" is an understatement. I almost never pray. Even until I entered college. Then this guy under my hostel room, who is also my practicum mate, would ask me to join him to the mosque. I would join him, which basically means that I would pray, only if this guy was inviting me to. There is this one word that can be used to describe me. Hypocrite. Nuff said. And then I went to a downward spiral, and I hit the rock bottom. I had come to a point where I felt and believed that my life was meaningless. So I took the initiative to text my newly-found sister, which has been mentioned numerous times in my blog. I asked for what could be described as a counselling session with her. And that was when my life started an out-of-the-world change.
With just one line, my newly-found sis has changed me. What did she say? "Pray to Allah SWT (God), because He always hears you". Since then, I have never missed a single prayer. Ever. And then I remember the first time I went back home after that counselling session, and perform a prayer in my room. My mother caught me. She was happy. Never been any happier. That was when I see, clearly, what I want to do, to achieve in my life. My mother's happiness. Many ways to do that, for sure. But right now, I wanna talk about one. Just now I mentioned about how my mother told me to not involve myself in any relationship. She wanted, and still wants, me to feel love the way it should be. She wants me to marry someone, then falls in love with the one. Because that's the only way for me to own the right to love and be loved by the person. The way it should be. And that's the way I am going with. But who? She's the person who is able to make my mother happy with just a single line and no intentions at all, while I was struggling to find a direction in life yet has never even contemplated on making my mother happy. Yes, I'm talking about the person I referred to as my "newly-found sister". But here's the problem. She is a good person. She is a very good person. She is a very great person. I, on the other hand, am the worst person that you could have ever met (that is, if you have ever met me). She's very religious. I, on the other hand, am religiously blind. I can't even read the Al-Quran properly. She doesn't deserve me. I don't deserve her. We do not belong to be on the same page. Hell, we do not even belong in the same damn library! She has a bright future ahead of her. I won't kill it. That is why I can't do it.
But I will.
I will do it.
I will change, for the better. For her. For my mother. For myself. For God.
And by the end of my college run, I will tell her about my intention on bringing my mother to meet her mother.
Hopefully, I can do something right this time.
And that's why I am writing this. I need all of your support. No, I'm not asking for money or anything. I just want you to pray for me. So that I can be one of, if not, the best in the world at what I do. Only this time, I would be doing something right. Pray for it. For the best of me. For the best of my newly-found sis. For the best of my mother. Please Allah, please my God. Give us the best in the world. Make it easy.
This is my last post before I leave my college on April 26. Expect me to be back right after that. And on that note, until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the Glory be to God.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
I tweeted earlier today that I'll tell it all. Well, here goes. Let's do this.
Some say I am a good guy, a heck of a good person, of a gentleman. Some say I am a genius. And then there are people who think that I am a self-centered egomaniac who doesn't have the courage to admit my flaws. If you are of any one of the groups listed above, well then you are wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. And wrong. I'm not a good guy. I'm not a clever guy. I'm not that self-centered. Ask those who know me. They would tell you people of how humble I am. But I'm not here to talk about my humbleness. Nor am I talking about me being good or a genius. I would like to take this time to tell it all. Yes, all of it. All of my weaknesses. My ignorance. My flaws. I've become what a mother wouldn't want in a son. Of course, she never told me that, but I can pretty much guess it. Let's talk about that.
Now of course, there isn't enough time for me to write everything here, but I'll do my best to put up some of my biggest mistakes in my life here. And here's one of them. Back when I was 7 years old, I've almost lost my ability to walk, due to a severe dislocation on my right patella (that's the kneecap) that kept me out of school (and the outside world) for roughly 4 months. My family, especially my mother, has been more than helpful throughout that time and up until this day. And thanks to them, to her and to Allah SWT (God), I am now still able to be walking on this little planet called Earth. But I take it for granted. I don't give even the minimal amount of damn to my well-being. I don't keep a good care to my health. I am an ingrate. An ignorant person. I'm a bad guy.
And then there's the year 2010. Also known as a year I wish I never lived in. Damn regret. I'm still trying to forget. Around this time, I was in a relationship that I currently treat as a nonexistent. Don't ask why. Well, my mother has repeatedly told me to NOT involve myself in any sorts of relationship. I'd end up hurting, she said. And guess what? I heed that advice. Like the ignorant person that I am. Hahh. And now I'm hurting. Hahh. Stupid. And even worse, do you guys remember that Paramore was coming to KL on October 19? Yes, I was there. With my then-girlfriend. But at what cost? Well, my mother's well-being. My mother had, and is still having, a sickness called Paraumbilical Hernia. And by that time she was about to have her second (if I'm not mistaken) operation due to a re-exaggeration of her hernia. My ex-girlfriend didn't have enough money to afford the tickets, so my mother gave her the money that was supposed to be used for the operation's bill. So the operation was off. And guess what? My mother even followed along me to Mid Valley when I was going to buy the tix, because she didn't want anything bad to happen to me. So the concert went well. My mother? Not so much. She went to a condition that has never been worse in her life. Ever. It pains and hurts me to say that I have seen my mother screeching in pain on her mattress (we don't sleep on beds in my home) as if she's dying. And yet I decided to go to a Paramore concert with a girl who was in a relationship with me for merely eighteen months! I risked my mother's life! I know I have promised to not curse on my blog ever again, but screw it! Screw it! All of it! Screw it all! I regret it! I am disappointed with myself! And trust me when I say this; I do regret more than I am admitting right now. I'm a bad guy.
And yes. We've come to the final stop before I end this blog, which will be my final blog before I head into my final exam and subsequently leave my college on April 26, but not before I do something that will change my life forever, but nonetheless. Well, throughout my nearly nineteen years of wasted life, my mother has been asking for only one thing. She's been asking for something that would make her the happiest mother in the world. She wants me to pray. Not that hard. 5 minutes per run, 5 runs per day. Simple enough right? Well, not for me. It's not that I couldn't do it. I was too lazy to do it. I rarely pray. Hell, "rarely" is an understatement. I almost never pray. Even until I entered college. Then this guy under my hostel room, who is also my practicum mate, would ask me to join him to the mosque. I would join him, which basically means that I would pray, only if this guy was inviting me to. There is this one word that can be used to describe me. Hypocrite. Nuff said. And then I went to a downward spiral, and I hit the rock bottom. I had come to a point where I felt and believed that my life was meaningless. So I took the initiative to text my newly-found sister, which has been mentioned numerous times in my blog. I asked for what could be described as a counselling session with her. And that was when my life started an out-of-the-world change.
With just one line, my newly-found sis has changed me. What did she say? "Pray to Allah SWT (God), because He always hears you". Since then, I have never missed a single prayer. Ever. And then I remember the first time I went back home after that counselling session, and perform a prayer in my room. My mother caught me. She was happy. Never been any happier. That was when I see, clearly, what I want to do, to achieve in my life. My mother's happiness. Many ways to do that, for sure. But right now, I wanna talk about one. Just now I mentioned about how my mother told me to not involve myself in any relationship. She wanted, and still wants, me to feel love the way it should be. She wants me to marry someone, then falls in love with the one. Because that's the only way for me to own the right to love and be loved by the person. The way it should be. And that's the way I am going with. But who? She's the person who is able to make my mother happy with just a single line and no intentions at all, while I was struggling to find a direction in life yet has never even contemplated on making my mother happy. Yes, I'm talking about the person I referred to as my "newly-found sister". But here's the problem. She is a good person. She is a very good person. She is a very great person. I, on the other hand, am the worst person that you could have ever met (that is, if you have ever met me). She's very religious. I, on the other hand, am religiously blind. I can't even read the Al-Quran properly. She doesn't deserve me. I don't deserve her. We do not belong to be on the same page. Hell, we do not even belong in the same damn library! She has a bright future ahead of her. I won't kill it. That is why I can't do it.
But I will.
I will do it.
I will change, for the better. For her. For my mother. For myself. For God.
And by the end of my college run, I will tell her about my intention on bringing my mother to meet her mother.
Hopefully, I can do something right this time.
And that's why I am writing this. I need all of your support. No, I'm not asking for money or anything. I just want you to pray for me. So that I can be one of, if not, the best in the world at what I do. Only this time, I would be doing something right. Pray for it. For the best of me. For the best of my newly-found sis. For the best of my mother. Please Allah, please my God. Give us the best in the world. Make it easy.
This is my last post before I leave my college on April 26. Expect me to be back right after that. And on that note, until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the Glory be to God.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Frictional Blog 15 [The Winds Of Change Edition]
Let's do this.
Topic #1: Pro Wrestling - Vintage CM Punk = Vintage. Oh yes.. I've spend most of today watching CM Punk's early works in the WWE, back in the ECW brand.. It was really interesting how his character, charisma and in-ring skills have improved so much in such a short amount of time - and even in the early days, he was already extremely (pun intended) good! Good to see a "raw rookie" working his crap-locker off day and night to become one of the top faces of the business. If I wear hats, I would so totally put them off for you, Mr Punk.
Topic #2: Personal - Vintage change = Vintage. Can you hear that? The winds of change are blowing. Or is that my heavy breathing due to my hyperventilation as we are getting closer and closer to my final days in college? Yeah, I think that was my massive exhalation. But nonetheless, a huge change is upon us. Ohhh yes it is. I am slowly turning myself from the world's biggest prick to one of, if not, the best in the world at what I do. But unfortunately, the only couple of things that I do is quitting early and messing my life up. So I guess I have to change the things that I do. Which would be so totally hard. But I have to. I have to make it happen. I have to do it. I will do it. And you will like it. Sure, maybe some of you would totally disagree with my opinion, but I just simply have to do it. I have never wanted anything so bad. I want it so bad. I have messed my relationship with several good friends and even my ex-S.O by doing things my way. I will no longer do things my way. I'll do it the right way. And my new way is the right way. I'll do things my new way. It's my new way, or the highway. And you know how pricey those highway tolls can be nowadays. Booya. This time I'll not give up. This time I'll do the right things. No regrets. I may not be good enough, but I deffo can be better. Now follow that.
And that's it. Sorry guys. I've missed a couple of weeks of posting, and I came back with only this short, meaningless one. But hey, it's not that meaningless. It means a whole lot to me. Each and every one of my posts means a whole lot to me. So you guys know the shtick; check out all my other (more interesting) posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube. And always remember,
All of the glory be to God.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Let's do this.
Topic #1: Pro Wrestling - Vintage CM Punk = Vintage. Oh yes.. I've spend most of today watching CM Punk's early works in the WWE, back in the ECW brand.. It was really interesting how his character, charisma and in-ring skills have improved so much in such a short amount of time - and even in the early days, he was already extremely (pun intended) good! Good to see a "raw rookie" working his crap-locker off day and night to become one of the top faces of the business. If I wear hats, I would so totally put them off for you, Mr Punk.
Topic #2: Personal - Vintage change = Vintage. Can you hear that? The winds of change are blowing. Or is that my heavy breathing due to my hyperventilation as we are getting closer and closer to my final days in college? Yeah, I think that was my massive exhalation. But nonetheless, a huge change is upon us. Ohhh yes it is. I am slowly turning myself from the world's biggest prick to one of, if not, the best in the world at what I do. But unfortunately, the only couple of things that I do is quitting early and messing my life up. So I guess I have to change the things that I do. Which would be so totally hard. But I have to. I have to make it happen. I have to do it. I will do it. And you will like it. Sure, maybe some of you would totally disagree with my opinion, but I just simply have to do it. I have never wanted anything so bad. I want it so bad. I have messed my relationship with several good friends and even my ex-S.O by doing things my way. I will no longer do things my way. I'll do it the right way. And my new way is the right way. I'll do things my new way. It's my new way, or the highway. And you know how pricey those highway tolls can be nowadays. Booya. This time I'll not give up. This time I'll do the right things. No regrets. I may not be good enough, but I deffo can be better. Now follow that.
And that's it. Sorry guys. I've missed a couple of weeks of posting, and I came back with only this short, meaningless one. But hey, it's not that meaningless. It means a whole lot to me. Each and every one of my posts means a whole lot to me. So you guys know the shtick; check out all my other (more interesting) posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube. And always remember,
"Don't believe in what they say. Don't believe in what I say. Believe in what I write."- yours truly, The Noorel. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
All of the glory be to God.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Frictional Blog 14 [The Confidence Edition]
This is a very short post.. And by "very short", I mean "super-duper-ultra-hyper-mega-giga-kilo-tera short".. Nothing much to be said here.. I don't feel like blogging this week, but I still wanna drop a short post this week.. So here goes.
I WILL DO SOMETHING STUPID ON APRIL 26, 2012. Which will be my last day in college. Sheeeeahh. Remember my plan? The challenge? Well it's not about the challenge anymore. And it's not about my plan. No, it's not about the way I plan it. It's about how I'll make it happen. So what's that stupid something? Of course I won't be telling! Hah! But consider yourself warned, because you may never, eeeeeever, see this coming. Some of my friends know what I am talking about. But for the rest of you, well, until then, I'll leave you guys wondering. Yes, I will do it. BECAUSE CONFIDENCE IS IN MY NAME. No, I'm serious. My name basically translates to "the praiseworthy light of confidence".
Notice that I didn't laugh in this post? Yeah, I did not laugh ("Hah!" is not considered as a laugh, y'all). Just a small part of my ongoing change. Anyways, that's all for this week. Don't forget to check out all my previous posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to my Youtube channel. Yeah, cheap plugs, I know. But if you wanna do all that, then I'd so totally appreciate it. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
This is a very short post.. And by "very short", I mean "super-duper-ultra-hyper-mega-giga-kilo-tera short".. Nothing much to be said here.. I don't feel like blogging this week, but I still wanna drop a short post this week.. So here goes.
I WILL DO SOMETHING STUPID ON APRIL 26, 2012. Which will be my last day in college. Sheeeeahh. Remember my plan? The challenge? Well it's not about the challenge anymore. And it's not about my plan. No, it's not about the way I plan it. It's about how I'll make it happen. So what's that stupid something? Of course I won't be telling! Hah! But consider yourself warned, because you may never, eeeeeever, see this coming. Some of my friends know what I am talking about. But for the rest of you, well, until then, I'll leave you guys wondering. Yes, I will do it. BECAUSE CONFIDENCE IS IN MY NAME. No, I'm serious. My name basically translates to "the praiseworthy light of confidence".
Notice that I didn't laugh in this post? Yeah, I did not laugh ("Hah!" is not considered as a laugh, y'all). Just a small part of my ongoing change. Anyways, that's all for this week. Don't forget to check out all my previous posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to my Youtube channel. Yeah, cheap plugs, I know. But if you wanna do all that, then I'd so totally appreciate it. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Frictional Blog 13 [The Disappointment Edition]
So I'mma make this post as short as possible, since I miss my Playstation 3 so badly (awwwwww)... =(
Let's get it started, shall we??
Topic #1: Pro Wrestling - WWE Elimination Chamber is disappointing.
Last week I said that the build-up was poor.. Well, unfortunately the PPV itself is also the same.. Wow.. Well the 2 Elimination Chamber matches was exciting and all (definitely 2 match-of-the-year candidates here), but seriously, the WWE writers do not know what the company priority is, apparently.. Their most prestigious championship was on the line in the first match of the show?? This is ridiculous!! And what's worse is that the main event of the night was not even a world title match, but a vendetta/vengeance match between John Cena and Kane.. First of all, the PPV name is Elimination Chamber, which basically means that the Chamber matches should be the highlight, the ultimate showcase of the night.. Besides, the top 2 championships are being defended in the 2 Chamber matches.. But what did we get to close the show?? A meaningless, soap-opera style Ambulance match, with SuperCena winning again.. Hey yo, the reason for each and every one of the WWE Superstars to beat the hell out of each other day in and out is to be either the World Heavyweight Champion or the WWE Champion!! Not to settle his differences with some other guy in a match that has nothing to do with a certain event!! But anyways, here are some recaps from the show: CM Punk retained his WWE title by last eliminating the Miz in the 1st Elimination Chamber match of the night, which is a very great match to say the least.. Beth Phoenix retained her Divas title, defeating Tamina Snuka in the process in the best Divas match that I've seen in a very long while.. The 2nd Chamber match did not disappoint, as Daniel Bryan kept hold to his World Heavyweight title after a super-strong performance by Santino Marella.. Jack Swagger defended the United States title in an impromptu match against Justin Gabriel in a short match that was fun while it lasted.. Aaaaaand SuperCena kills Kane and all of the Big Red Machine's momentum in a very, VERY disappointing Ambulance match main event.. Overall, the show was not that bad, but the order of the matches and the choice of main event match just make you asking "What did I ever do to watch such a horrendous booking?".
Topic #2: Personal - My struggle in studying the English language being meaningless is disappointing.
So I got myself a Band 5 (from a scale of Band 1 to Band 6, with 6 being a Shakespeare-ish awesomeness-reeking language user and 1 being a complete retard) in my Malaysian University English Test.. I got a very poor scoring in speaking, but my listening (I got a perfect score for listening, by the way), reading and writing covers it up.. Which basically shows why out of 3 schools and a college that I've been to, 2 of them have had teachers that claimed me to be one of the very best novel American style writer that they had ever met - and I was only like what, 9, 10 years old?? Thanks to God and my family and friends for being very supportive for me, the struggle that I've been through to be quite good in my English was not so felt.. Until recently, when some guy from some university said that my band means ABSO-FRICKING-LUTELY NOTHING!!! Frick this!! He said that although I got a Band 5 and some other dude got Band 1, yet both of us have the same academic and co-curricular achievements, he might have a chance to be picked into the uni over me...... Are you serious bro? You have got to be fricking kidding me.. So I have to pay for a language test that I was told could help me be an ace in the selection of students for the universities and put a lifetime effort on it just to, well, be an ace, only to be told later on that even a Band 1 can be chosen over me?? Screw this.. I want, need and deserve my money back.. I didn't pay for this test to be put on the same shelf with other people who basically knows nothing except paying for and sitting for the test despite knowing almost nothing about their language.. Ahhh, funk it.
Topic #3: Personal - Not being taken seriously is disappointing.
So I've shared my story to some of my friends this past week.. You know, about my plan involving a newly-found sis and a former mentor who loves to issue challenges to me.. While some (in fact, most) of you have been really helpful with all your various solutions and guidance for me, most (in fact, some of the "most" in the former) have been laughing at me, claiming that I was, and I quote, "certainly joking"...... Do I look like I am joking? No, I'm not. I am 100% serious. If I tell you a story while I giggle, smile and laugh at times, does that shouts "I am playing around, and you need to follow that" to you?? Sweet cream on an ice-cream pie!! What in the blue hell of an answer are you expecting?? Hell no!! Hell no. I am being serious in this context. Very serious. Hell, I am dead serious. If this would cost me an eternal shame, then so be it. I just don't care anymore. This ain't about a challenge anymore. This is about me, my crush, my faith in her, my faith on my mother and my 100% faith in Allah S.W.T (God). If my former mentor is to take back his challenge, I would still do it. Why? Because I need to do something right. And if this is the right way, then I'll do it with arms wide open. If there's a bad outcome coming out of this, then shove it to me like a thunder striking the roof of a Prius. I have nothing to lose. As that mentor guy said, "Regardless of the answer, you will win. You will win my respect. You will win her respect. You will win her mother and family's respect. You'll win your mother and family's respect. Hell, even you would pat your back for the rest of your life, telling yourself that you did one heck of a job." The change - the revolution - has already begun. MY change has already begun. My change is not the way I plan it. It is how I make it happen. I will make it happen. On my last day at college, I will make it happen. I will not disappoint all of you who are reading this blog. I will not disappoint those of you who believe in me. I will not disappoint myself. No, I won't. I just will not. Yes, I like her THIS much. Now have faith, and follow that.
So that's all for this week. Make sure you check out all my previous posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to my Youtube. I'd so totally appreciate it. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
So I'mma make this post as short as possible, since I miss my Playstation 3 so badly (awwwwww)... =(
Let's get it started, shall we??
Topic #1: Pro Wrestling - WWE Elimination Chamber is disappointing.
Last week I said that the build-up was poor.. Well, unfortunately the PPV itself is also the same.. Wow.. Well the 2 Elimination Chamber matches was exciting and all (definitely 2 match-of-the-year candidates here), but seriously, the WWE writers do not know what the company priority is, apparently.. Their most prestigious championship was on the line in the first match of the show?? This is ridiculous!! And what's worse is that the main event of the night was not even a world title match, but a vendetta/vengeance match between John Cena and Kane.. First of all, the PPV name is Elimination Chamber, which basically means that the Chamber matches should be the highlight, the ultimate showcase of the night.. Besides, the top 2 championships are being defended in the 2 Chamber matches.. But what did we get to close the show?? A meaningless, soap-opera style Ambulance match, with SuperCena winning again.. Hey yo, the reason for each and every one of the WWE Superstars to beat the hell out of each other day in and out is to be either the World Heavyweight Champion or the WWE Champion!! Not to settle his differences with some other guy in a match that has nothing to do with a certain event!! But anyways, here are some recaps from the show: CM Punk retained his WWE title by last eliminating the Miz in the 1st Elimination Chamber match of the night, which is a very great match to say the least.. Beth Phoenix retained her Divas title, defeating Tamina Snuka in the process in the best Divas match that I've seen in a very long while.. The 2nd Chamber match did not disappoint, as Daniel Bryan kept hold to his World Heavyweight title after a super-strong performance by Santino Marella.. Jack Swagger defended the United States title in an impromptu match against Justin Gabriel in a short match that was fun while it lasted.. Aaaaaand SuperCena kills Kane and all of the Big Red Machine's momentum in a very, VERY disappointing Ambulance match main event.. Overall, the show was not that bad, but the order of the matches and the choice of main event match just make you asking "What did I ever do to watch such a horrendous booking?".
Topic #2: Personal - My struggle in studying the English language being meaningless is disappointing.
So I got myself a Band 5 (from a scale of Band 1 to Band 6, with 6 being a Shakespeare-ish awesomeness-reeking language user and 1 being a complete retard) in my Malaysian University English Test.. I got a very poor scoring in speaking, but my listening (I got a perfect score for listening, by the way), reading and writing covers it up.. Which basically shows why out of 3 schools and a college that I've been to, 2 of them have had teachers that claimed me to be one of the very best novel American style writer that they had ever met - and I was only like what, 9, 10 years old?? Thanks to God and my family and friends for being very supportive for me, the struggle that I've been through to be quite good in my English was not so felt.. Until recently, when some guy from some university said that my band means ABSO-FRICKING-LUTELY NOTHING!!! Frick this!! He said that although I got a Band 5 and some other dude got Band 1, yet both of us have the same academic and co-curricular achievements, he might have a chance to be picked into the uni over me...... Are you serious bro? You have got to be fricking kidding me.. So I have to pay for a language test that I was told could help me be an ace in the selection of students for the universities and put a lifetime effort on it just to, well, be an ace, only to be told later on that even a Band 1 can be chosen over me?? Screw this.. I want, need and deserve my money back.. I didn't pay for this test to be put on the same shelf with other people who basically knows nothing except paying for and sitting for the test despite knowing almost nothing about their language.. Ahhh, funk it.
Topic #3: Personal - Not being taken seriously is disappointing.
So I've shared my story to some of my friends this past week.. You know, about my plan involving a newly-found sis and a former mentor who loves to issue challenges to me.. While some (in fact, most) of you have been really helpful with all your various solutions and guidance for me, most (in fact, some of the "most" in the former) have been laughing at me, claiming that I was, and I quote, "certainly joking"...... Do I look like I am joking? No, I'm not. I am 100% serious. If I tell you a story while I giggle, smile and laugh at times, does that shouts "I am playing around, and you need to follow that" to you?? Sweet cream on an ice-cream pie!! What in the blue hell of an answer are you expecting?? Hell no!! Hell no. I am being serious in this context. Very serious. Hell, I am dead serious. If this would cost me an eternal shame, then so be it. I just don't care anymore. This ain't about a challenge anymore. This is about me, my crush, my faith in her, my faith on my mother and my 100% faith in Allah S.W.T (God). If my former mentor is to take back his challenge, I would still do it. Why? Because I need to do something right. And if this is the right way, then I'll do it with arms wide open. If there's a bad outcome coming out of this, then shove it to me like a thunder striking the roof of a Prius. I have nothing to lose. As that mentor guy said, "Regardless of the answer, you will win. You will win my respect. You will win her respect. You will win her mother and family's respect. You'll win your mother and family's respect. Hell, even you would pat your back for the rest of your life, telling yourself that you did one heck of a job." The change - the revolution - has already begun. MY change has already begun. My change is not the way I plan it. It is how I make it happen. I will make it happen. On my last day at college, I will make it happen. I will not disappoint all of you who are reading this blog. I will not disappoint those of you who believe in me. I will not disappoint myself. No, I won't. I just will not. Yes, I like her THIS much. Now have faith, and follow that.
So that's all for this week. Make sure you check out all my previous posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to my Youtube. I'd so totally appreciate it. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Frictional Blog 12 [The Just Don't Care Anymore Edition]
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages.. Yours truly proudly brings to you yet another brand new edition of the Frictional Blog! Sheeeeahh! But for a change - a revolution, you might say - starting this post, the content of my blog will be toned down for quite a considerable amount.. First, there will be less "waste product" references (so you will be reading less toilet humors, and you may not find words like "craptastic" and "shiznit" in this blog, ever again).. Next, you will see less frictional stuffs on here.. Now don't you go pull-your-hair-out-of-your-scalp upset, please.. I just don't wanna have another wonderful relationship killed by the Internet, regardless of the person being my friend, family member, ex, crush, college gardener, school janitor, cafe cook, anyone.. So there will be less hate notes here.. Screw my IED.. If these voices are gonna be hating in my head, then so be it. Now, on to this week's crafty post (nahh, I don't think crafty is a suitable adjective.. try cra-- oh wait, nevermind).. Let's begin!
Topic #1: Pro Wrestling - My predictions on tonight's WWE Elimination Chamber.
So I wanna share my thoughts on the upcoming Elimination Chamber PPV with you guys.. Basically, the build-up is POOR. Seriously. I have never been this unexcited for a WWE PPV.. For the past years, Smackdown has been bringing up some of the greatest Elimination Chamber matches in history, but this year's lineup is very poor.. Sure, we have Daniel Bryan who is technically the best wrestler in the world.. And yeah, we have Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes, two young stars who are making a great stride here as the future faces of the WWE.. And we have a veteran who is impossible to be disliked (man, he is like a giant teddy bear.. he's a guy that you would definitely like to hug, if you're given the chance to) in the Big Show.. But the Great Khali?? Khali?? KHALI!?!?!? Urgh.. And now Santino Marella's in the match.. Awesome.. I've always been a fan of Santino.. Here's hoping that he would use this opportunity to shine as bright as he could possibly be, as the chance to be in a main-event matches like this one doesn't come across very often for lower-midcarders like Santino.. My prediction is, as clear as crystal, Daniel Bryan.. Would be interesting to see my boy D-Bryan competing with Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship at the grandest stage of them all.. And as for the other three (yes, they have only booked four matches for this Sunday.. stupid) matches, here is what I am expecting.. Beth Phoenix successfully retains her Divas title against Tamina Snuka.. Hopefully this will be a lengthy divas match, given that these 2 women are such good performers.. And hopefully we'll see Kharma returning to set up her match with Beth at Wrestlemania.. The ambulance match between John Cena vs Kane would be a tough one to predict though.. I really want to see Kane wins, but they won't let John's momentum go downhill especially since Wrestlemania's around the corner.. But a loss for Kane would make him look weak.. My bet is that the Rock comes out and distracts John, allowing Kane to pick up the victory and not making John look that weak heading to Miami, Florida this April.. And for Raw's Chamber match.. Hmm.. CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler, R Truth, the Miz and Kofi Kingston.. The Miz will be the first one to be eliminated, I guess, by Truth, setting a match at WM.. Kofi may get the chance to eliminate Dolph, setting another match at WM.. And the winner, as much as I would enjoy watching Punk as the champ day in and out, I have to give it to Chris.. Then Punk will get his mandatory rematch clause and face Chris in (yeah, you guessed it) another match at WM.. So that's my opinion.. Yours?
Topic #2: Personal - What's with '9.9.2018'? What does 'nyh2dx' mean? And why is this blog called 'frictional'?
Hahh, this is like a trivial column here.. Soooooo, what's with 9.9.2018? Well, as some of you might know, I used that date as my blog header and signature, up until last month or so.. Well, about that date.. It's actually a stupid promise that I made with my ex, hoping that the both of us could wait until then, but nahhh... Let's just say things didn't go very well for us.. Oh-kay, on to the next frequently asked question, what does my Twitter username, @nyh2dx means?? Well, back when I was 14 or so, two of the biggest tag teams at that time were the Hardy Boys and D-Generation X.. So I randomly came up with an initial that accumulates my initial (my real name is Muhammad Noorel Yaqin, so I took the NY), the Hardys (Jeff and Matt, the two of them, hence the number 2) and, well, DX.. And boom! @nyh2dx was born.. And why is this blog called frictional?? Well, this is kinda stupid.. When I first wanted to blog, I wanted to split my blog into 2 parts; a fictional part, and the reality check.. And since I couldn't come up with a good synonyms for "non-fiction", I just chose a word that sounds close to "fictional", which pretty much simplifies what the reality is: FRICTIONAL. And that's my story. =)
Topic #3: Personal - Major change to my long-term plan, which is no longer long, but I just don't care anymore.
Ohhh-kay. If you've been following this blog for a while, you would have noticed that I have been mentioning this 'plan' thingy repeatedly.. But I never told you guys the details.. Sorry to disappoint you guys, but hah! There's no way I'm telling you guys about it.. But here's some update on it.. Well, my journey is taking a detour.. But it's not any detour.. What I was planning to do in 5 years time, might need to be done by the next 2 and a half months! All thanks to a constant reader that I have never ever thought would be reading my blog.. You know I don't drop names in my blog, so I'm not gonna say anything about this guy.. But, wow. I certainly didn't see this coming.. But you know what? I don't care.. Sir, if you're reading this, let me tell you.. I am accepting your challenge, and I will do it the way you want me to.. The way I have to.. The way our religion teaches us to.. I accept!! I will do it, and as you have promised, you will respect me and like it! Now I don't really think I can do this, but nonetheless, I will do it.. If that is what I need to do to be respected by you, her, her family, my own family, my acquaintances, my friends, myself!.... Then that's what I will do.. I've promised that I will change for the better.. And if this is the route, the path, the right way to be taken, then I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have, and cannonball all the way to the end!! Now follow that!!
This is stupid.. But according to a great philosopher that goes by the same name as me (oh wait, it is me), "stupidity" = "perfection".. And with that said, it's time to wrap this session up.. Please check out my previous posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube.. So that's it! Thank you for wasting your time here.. Nap time! GTS. Until next time.. Make sure you'll be there.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages.. Yours truly proudly brings to you yet another brand new edition of the Frictional Blog! Sheeeeahh! But for a change - a revolution, you might say - starting this post, the content of my blog will be toned down for quite a considerable amount.. First, there will be less "waste product" references (so you will be reading less toilet humors, and you may not find words like "craptastic" and "shiznit" in this blog, ever again).. Next, you will see less frictional stuffs on here.. Now don't you go pull-your-hair-out-of-your-scalp upset, please.. I just don't wanna have another wonderful relationship killed by the Internet, regardless of the person being my friend, family member, ex, crush, college gardener, school janitor, cafe cook, anyone.. So there will be less hate notes here.. Screw my IED.. If these voices are gonna be hating in my head, then so be it. Now, on to this week's crafty post (nahh, I don't think crafty is a suitable adjective.. try cra-- oh wait, nevermind).. Let's begin!
Topic #1: Pro Wrestling - My predictions on tonight's WWE Elimination Chamber.
So I wanna share my thoughts on the upcoming Elimination Chamber PPV with you guys.. Basically, the build-up is POOR. Seriously. I have never been this unexcited for a WWE PPV.. For the past years, Smackdown has been bringing up some of the greatest Elimination Chamber matches in history, but this year's lineup is very poor.. Sure, we have Daniel Bryan who is technically the best wrestler in the world.. And yeah, we have Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes, two young stars who are making a great stride here as the future faces of the WWE.. And we have a veteran who is impossible to be disliked (man, he is like a giant teddy bear.. he's a guy that you would definitely like to hug, if you're given the chance to) in the Big Show.. But the Great Khali?? Khali?? KHALI!?!?!? Urgh.. And now Santino Marella's in the match.. Awesome.. I've always been a fan of Santino.. Here's hoping that he would use this opportunity to shine as bright as he could possibly be, as the chance to be in a main-event matches like this one doesn't come across very often for lower-midcarders like Santino.. My prediction is, as clear as crystal, Daniel Bryan.. Would be interesting to see my boy D-Bryan competing with Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship at the grandest stage of them all.. And as for the other three (yes, they have only booked four matches for this Sunday.. stupid) matches, here is what I am expecting.. Beth Phoenix successfully retains her Divas title against Tamina Snuka.. Hopefully this will be a lengthy divas match, given that these 2 women are such good performers.. And hopefully we'll see Kharma returning to set up her match with Beth at Wrestlemania.. The ambulance match between John Cena vs Kane would be a tough one to predict though.. I really want to see Kane wins, but they won't let John's momentum go downhill especially since Wrestlemania's around the corner.. But a loss for Kane would make him look weak.. My bet is that the Rock comes out and distracts John, allowing Kane to pick up the victory and not making John look that weak heading to Miami, Florida this April.. And for Raw's Chamber match.. Hmm.. CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Dolph Ziggler, R Truth, the Miz and Kofi Kingston.. The Miz will be the first one to be eliminated, I guess, by Truth, setting a match at WM.. Kofi may get the chance to eliminate Dolph, setting another match at WM.. And the winner, as much as I would enjoy watching Punk as the champ day in and out, I have to give it to Chris.. Then Punk will get his mandatory rematch clause and face Chris in (yeah, you guessed it) another match at WM.. So that's my opinion.. Yours?
Topic #2: Personal - What's with '9.9.2018'? What does 'nyh2dx' mean? And why is this blog called 'frictional'?
Hahh, this is like a trivial column here.. Soooooo, what's with 9.9.2018? Well, as some of you might know, I used that date as my blog header and signature, up until last month or so.. Well, about that date.. It's actually a stupid promise that I made with my ex, hoping that the both of us could wait until then, but nahhh... Let's just say things didn't go very well for us.. Oh-kay, on to the next frequently asked question, what does my Twitter username, @nyh2dx means?? Well, back when I was 14 or so, two of the biggest tag teams at that time were the Hardy Boys and D-Generation X.. So I randomly came up with an initial that accumulates my initial (my real name is Muhammad Noorel Yaqin, so I took the NY), the Hardys (Jeff and Matt, the two of them, hence the number 2) and, well, DX.. And boom! @nyh2dx was born.. And why is this blog called frictional?? Well, this is kinda stupid.. When I first wanted to blog, I wanted to split my blog into 2 parts; a fictional part, and the reality check.. And since I couldn't come up with a good synonyms for "non-fiction", I just chose a word that sounds close to "fictional", which pretty much simplifies what the reality is: FRICTIONAL. And that's my story. =)
Topic #3: Personal - Major change to my long-term plan, which is no longer long, but I just don't care anymore.
Ohhh-kay. If you've been following this blog for a while, you would have noticed that I have been mentioning this 'plan' thingy repeatedly.. But I never told you guys the details.. Sorry to disappoint you guys, but hah! There's no way I'm telling you guys about it.. But here's some update on it.. Well, my journey is taking a detour.. But it's not any detour.. What I was planning to do in 5 years time, might need to be done by the next 2 and a half months! All thanks to a constant reader that I have never ever thought would be reading my blog.. You know I don't drop names in my blog, so I'm not gonna say anything about this guy.. But, wow. I certainly didn't see this coming.. But you know what? I don't care.. Sir, if you're reading this, let me tell you.. I am accepting your challenge, and I will do it the way you want me to.. The way I have to.. The way our religion teaches us to.. I accept!! I will do it, and as you have promised, you will respect me and like it! Now I don't really think I can do this, but nonetheless, I will do it.. If that is what I need to do to be respected by you, her, her family, my own family, my acquaintances, my friends, myself!.... Then that's what I will do.. I've promised that I will change for the better.. And if this is the route, the path, the right way to be taken, then I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have, and cannonball all the way to the end!! Now follow that!!
This is stupid.. But according to a great philosopher that goes by the same name as me (oh wait, it is me), "stupidity" = "perfection".. And with that said, it's time to wrap this session up.. Please check out my previous posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube.. So that's it! Thank you for wasting your time here.. Nap time! GTS. Until next time.. Make sure you'll be there.
Faith. Follow that.
Frictional Blog.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Frictional Blog 11 [The Wall-Breaking Edition]
Another day, another craptastic idea, another frictional post.. Hah, talking like I've been posting everyday.. Who am I to talk like that?? Anyways, this will be a special post, as I will talk about not 3, but 5 fricking topics!! Now who else can bring this kind of unpredictability to you?? Oh-kay, everyone else.. But nonetheless - hell, nevertheless - let's begin.
Topic #1: Pro Wrestling - Evan Bourne's suspended.. Again!?
Evan Bourne, you are plain stupid. Seriously. Totally. Undeniably. Unquestionably. Undoubtedly. 100%. You are stupid. I may contemplate with you when you got busted for using drugs the first time around, but being busted again only 48 days after your last suspension ends?? Dang. You'll never learn, will you? There goes all my respect for you.. You're just another Jeff Hardy now.. So pathetic.. I feel stupid for putting my trust in you.
Topic #2: Pro Wrestling - Chris Jericho has finally returned.. And this week he finally speaks.
I am a Jerichoholic.. I always enjoy his work of art, regardless of being in the ring, on the mic (both at cutting promos and at concerts as the lead vocalist of Fozzy), and even on Twitter.. When he finally made his return a few weeks back, I quickly asked for my practicum mate to bring along her broadband to our English meeting, as anything involving Chris Jericho is a must-see.. And the way the writers built him up after that, HAH! Pure awesomeness.. While I still don't get what he's trying to tell by "the end of the world", I believe it has something to do with CM Punk.. I don't know why, but I just feel it.. Hopefully he'll win the Royal Rumble this Sunday (Monday local time, GMT +8).. Oh, and too bad we didn't get to see Chris Jericho wrestling in the same corner with CM Punk and Daniel Bryan last week, cause that would be a dream come true for me.. But still, I enjoy watching it.
Topic #3: Gaming and Pro Wrestling - I seriously need WWE 12, like, right now.
*sound of static*
*awesome guitar riff*
"Look in my eyes-ah.. What do you see-ah?" I know what I see.. I see CM Punk with long hair and a squirrel under his chin, because I have to get through this study break playing WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2011 instead of playing the latest installment of WWE games, which many have claimed to be the best wrestling game ever made, WWE 12!! Aaargh!! I. Need. To. Get. My. Hands. On. The. Game. Ayy. Ass. Ayy. Pee (that's ASAP; as soon as possible, by the way)! But hey, at least I created the Funkasaurus, Brodus Clay a couple of days ago, so I don't really feel like it was a waste of time though.. But still, I NEED THE GAME!!
Topic #4: Personal and Frictional - I need to change, and hopefully I will.
Oh-kay... So I drank a lot - and I mean "a gallon"-ish lot - of Pepsi last year.. And I don't really care, to be honest.. I enjoy drinking Pepsi.. It calms, soothes me.. I don't know how, but it does.. But one person might have made me change my mind, and I think you all know where I'm going right here.. Yes, again, I am pointlessly rambling about my newly-found sis-turned-crush-yet-not really-turned-so-yeah-she-is-still-my-sister.. Oh-kay, that's messed up.. I'm talking about my new found sister, simply put. But then again, stop drinking Pepsi is not really a huge change, quite frankly.. But I didn't said that my perception to Pepsi is the only thing that she's successfully committed a change on in me, did I? I don't wanna leak too much information, but she is slowly changing me into someone better (I'm not telling why *sticking tongue out of my mouth*).. And this little fact, right here, is very essential to me, as it plays a huge role in my secret plan that I've been mentioning on this blog all the time..
Topic #5: Personal and Frictional - So why the hell is my plan taking too much time?
Read Topic #4.. That's why.. Because I need to change.. She's being very good to me.. Hold on, let me rephrase that.. She is very good, period. There has never been anyone who treated me as good as her.. And besides that, she takes care of herself very good as well.. I'm not talking about lame stuffs like hygiene and health and all that shiznit; I'm talking about herself, in a religious point of view.. She is very good at that.. I don't think I deserve someone like her.. That's why I need to change.. That's why I need like 5 to 6 years of time to change myself.. (the last sentence sounds like I'm putting myself in jail and do some time in it.. haha) And trust me when I say this; I will change for the better.. Although it will take some time, I still will.. And I will make sure that I will deserve her, as much as she will be deserving me.. Hahh, determination is all I have right now.. That's why I need all of your support and prayers.. In God's will, we will be deserving each other.. Now what am I talking about?? I've been talking too much that I might have spoiled my secret plan.. Good God Almighty.
And I think that's it for today! Please check out all my past posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube.. You won't regret it, I promise you.. Hahh.. Until next time.. Make sure you'll be there.
Frictional Blog.
Another day, another craptastic idea, another frictional post.. Hah, talking like I've been posting everyday.. Who am I to talk like that?? Anyways, this will be a special post, as I will talk about not 3, but 5 fricking topics!! Now who else can bring this kind of unpredictability to you?? Oh-kay, everyone else.. But nonetheless - hell, nevertheless - let's begin.
Topic #1: Pro Wrestling - Evan Bourne's suspended.. Again!?
Evan Bourne, you are plain stupid. Seriously. Totally. Undeniably. Unquestionably. Undoubtedly. 100%. You are stupid. I may contemplate with you when you got busted for using drugs the first time around, but being busted again only 48 days after your last suspension ends?? Dang. You'll never learn, will you? There goes all my respect for you.. You're just another Jeff Hardy now.. So pathetic.. I feel stupid for putting my trust in you.
Topic #2: Pro Wrestling - Chris Jericho has finally returned.. And this week he finally speaks.
I am a Jerichoholic.. I always enjoy his work of art, regardless of being in the ring, on the mic (both at cutting promos and at concerts as the lead vocalist of Fozzy), and even on Twitter.. When he finally made his return a few weeks back, I quickly asked for my practicum mate to bring along her broadband to our English meeting, as anything involving Chris Jericho is a must-see.. And the way the writers built him up after that, HAH! Pure awesomeness.. While I still don't get what he's trying to tell by "the end of the world", I believe it has something to do with CM Punk.. I don't know why, but I just feel it.. Hopefully he'll win the Royal Rumble this Sunday (Monday local time, GMT +8).. Oh, and too bad we didn't get to see Chris Jericho wrestling in the same corner with CM Punk and Daniel Bryan last week, cause that would be a dream come true for me.. But still, I enjoy watching it.
Topic #3: Gaming and Pro Wrestling - I seriously need WWE 12, like, right now.
*sound of static*
*awesome guitar riff*
"Look in my eyes-ah.. What do you see-ah?" I know what I see.. I see CM Punk with long hair and a squirrel under his chin, because I have to get through this study break playing WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2011 instead of playing the latest installment of WWE games, which many have claimed to be the best wrestling game ever made, WWE 12!! Aaargh!! I. Need. To. Get. My. Hands. On. The. Game. Ayy. Ass. Ayy. Pee (that's ASAP; as soon as possible, by the way)! But hey, at least I created the Funkasaurus, Brodus Clay a couple of days ago, so I don't really feel like it was a waste of time though.. But still, I NEED THE GAME!!
Topic #4: Personal and Frictional - I need to change, and hopefully I will.
Oh-kay... So I drank a lot - and I mean "a gallon"-ish lot - of Pepsi last year.. And I don't really care, to be honest.. I enjoy drinking Pepsi.. It calms, soothes me.. I don't know how, but it does.. But one person might have made me change my mind, and I think you all know where I'm going right here.. Yes, again, I am pointlessly rambling about my newly-found sis-turned-crush-yet-not really-turned-so-yeah-she-is-still-my-sister.. Oh-kay, that's messed up.. I'm talking about my new found sister, simply put. But then again, stop drinking Pepsi is not really a huge change, quite frankly.. But I didn't said that my perception to Pepsi is the only thing that she's successfully committed a change on in me, did I? I don't wanna leak too much information, but she is slowly changing me into someone better (I'm not telling why *sticking tongue out of my mouth*).. And this little fact, right here, is very essential to me, as it plays a huge role in my secret plan that I've been mentioning on this blog all the time..
Topic #5: Personal and Frictional - So why the hell is my plan taking too much time?
Read Topic #4.. That's why.. Because I need to change.. She's being very good to me.. Hold on, let me rephrase that.. She is very good, period. There has never been anyone who treated me as good as her.. And besides that, she takes care of herself very good as well.. I'm not talking about lame stuffs like hygiene and health and all that shiznit; I'm talking about herself, in a religious point of view.. She is very good at that.. I don't think I deserve someone like her.. That's why I need to change.. That's why I need like 5 to 6 years of time to change myself.. (the last sentence sounds like I'm putting myself in jail and do some time in it.. haha) And trust me when I say this; I will change for the better.. Although it will take some time, I still will.. And I will make sure that I will deserve her, as much as she will be deserving me.. Hahh, determination is all I have right now.. That's why I need all of your support and prayers.. In God's will, we will be deserving each other.. Now what am I talking about?? I've been talking too much that I might have spoiled my secret plan.. Good God Almighty.
And I think that's it for today! Please check out all my past posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube.. You won't regret it, I promise you.. Hahh.. Until next time.. Make sure you'll be there.
Frictional Blog.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Frictional Blog 10 [The Picture Worth A Thousand Words Edition]
Hello again everybody (considering the fact that nobody cares about the existence of this blog, I had actually considered typing "nobody")! Dang it, I didn't put up a new post last week.. But nonetheless, here I am tonight.. But with nothing frictional!? #AreYouSeriousBro!? Forget facepalming, I am actually fistpumping my own face right now! But then again, I am not at home right now, hence that pretty much explains this little quick shot at infrictionality (is there such word?) right here.. But to cover it up, I have a very unique twist for this post; BOOM!! My very first "Picture Worth A Thousand Words" edition! Now here, I would like to share a wonderful picture with you guys and give my thoughts and opinions on this particular image.. But remember; although the picture might be something out of your interest, my brief explanation under it might be something that you can closely relate yourself to.. So, here goes.. Drumroll please. And tonight's picture is......:
Yeah, this picture. Pictured here is AJ Lee (to your left.. the nerdy, cheeky, cute, petite, lovely, hot little girl from FCW to NXT and now Smackdown.. good God, how I love this chick) and Daniel Bryan (to your right.. the best technical wrestler in the world, even better than CM Punk, though not over as him.. better known worldwide by his real name, Bryan Danielson.. the current WWE World Heavyweight Champion). Now I know that all you non-wrestling fans must be feeling like reading this is such a waste of time, but hold on.. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoaoaoaoaoaoa whoa! Don't go anywhere! Or at least, yet! Please lend me some of your valuable time and read this post until the end. Thank you. Now, AJ Lee and Daniel Bryan is such a sweet couple.. I like watching these two together.. Everytime I see these two on my 14-inch monitor, my heart melts into the ground watching how sweet and lovely this duo is (especially the adorable AJ)! So the very first moment I see this screencap, I saved it and used it as my Facebook profile.. Not only because I am a huge fan of both Daniel Bryan and AJ, and definitely not solely for the fact that I am a WWE mark, but because of the pure emotion in this wonderful image.. Confused? Well let me explain.
Focus on AJ.. No, not at her boobies, you dirty-minded freak. Pay attention on the look of her joyful face.. Her "I am so totally into what you're talking about, regardless of how ridiculous your topic is, because I truly like/love you" eyes.. That. Is. Fricking. Adorable. Kinda like the looks that Josh Farro used to have whenever he was looking at Hayley Williams (Google that shiznit up). Except this is more adorable, since we're talking about AJ, one of the most adorable human being breathing on God's green earth today. Wow. I'm stoked. Seriously. If someone look at me the way AJ is looking at D-Bryan in this pic, I'll so totally go down on a knee and propose her right on the spot (not really, but this blog is really in need of a hyperbole, so yeah).. When this shot was captured, D-Bryan was talking about winning the World Heavyweight Title, but clearly AJ doesn't give a crap about that.. She gives a whole load of crap on D-Bryan.. Kinda related to me, you know? I know what you guys are thinking.. "Relating yourself to AJ Lee!? #AreYouSeriousBro!?".. Haha.. Pathetically, yeah. : / But anyways, yeah, I was being serious.. I am almost certain that I give EXACTLY the same look everytime my newly-found sister is talking to me.. Yeah, every single time.. It's like the whole world is revolving around her, you know.. And yet she still couldn't tell.. And at that moment, these words will be trying to get out of my mouth; "Couldn't you tell by now that I like you?? No?? You're kidding me, right?? NO!? #AreYouSeriousBro!? I mean, Sis!?".. Yeah, that always happens in my life.. Believe it.
Now, here's some quick facts for you guys; Daniel Bryan stands 178cm tall (kinda like me, 181cm) and weighs at 95kg (wayyyyyy heavier than me.. he's 95kg of muscles, while I'm 60kg of fats).. AJ Lee, on the other hand, is 160cm (almost a 20cm height difference with D-Bryan) and 48kg (lighter than me! wait, is that good or bad? whatever).. That just shows how size doesn't matter in a relationship.. (somewhere in the background I can hear R-Truth yelling "true that!!".. oh wait, that was me?) Yeah, indeed it was me.. But enough with that. Now, back to the pic.. Isn't it just sweet when you look at a couple in which a guy is way taller than his girl, as if he is towering you, keeping you away from danger.. That is exactly what I wanted in life.. No, I'm not looking for a tower.. I want to BE the tower.. I want to be someone that my newly-found sis can put her faith on, as much as she can.. But unfortunately, I'm not really that good of a man, and I might be letting her down.. That is, if she is putting her faith on me.. Maybe she shouldn't.. But I don't care. I am up to the challenge. Put your faith in me! I will change myself to be better, just to keep you safe inside me, like a tower that I always dream of becoming! Whoaaaa, I'm being a bit too emotional right here. Maybe this post is a bit more frictional than what I thought it would be.. La la la, ha ha ha.. Now here's some quick facts about me and my newly-found sis. I am 181cm, 60kg.. She is soooooo petite, I'm guessing that she is about the size of AJ, maybe even smaller.. And you know by "even smaller", I mean "even cuter".. Just saying. Oh, and one last fact. I am officially admitting that I have a crush on my newly-found sis. (PIPEBOMB!!)
That was stupid. That was unnecessary. That was irrelevant. And that's pretty much it for this week. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
[P/S: Any ideas for my blog's new heading banner and signatures would be very appreciated.]
Hello again everybody (considering the fact that nobody cares about the existence of this blog, I had actually considered typing "nobody")! Dang it, I didn't put up a new post last week.. But nonetheless, here I am tonight.. But with nothing frictional!? #AreYouSeriousBro!? Forget facepalming, I am actually fistpumping my own face right now! But then again, I am not at home right now, hence that pretty much explains this little quick shot at infrictionality (is there such word?) right here.. But to cover it up, I have a very unique twist for this post; BOOM!! My very first "Picture Worth A Thousand Words" edition! Now here, I would like to share a wonderful picture with you guys and give my thoughts and opinions on this particular image.. But remember; although the picture might be something out of your interest, my brief explanation under it might be something that you can closely relate yourself to.. So, here goes.. Drumroll please. And tonight's picture is......:
![]() |
AJ Lee and Daniel Bryan on WWE Friday Night Smackdown |
Focus on AJ.. No, not at her boobies, you dirty-minded freak. Pay attention on the look of her joyful face.. Her "I am so totally into what you're talking about, regardless of how ridiculous your topic is, because I truly like/love you" eyes.. That. Is. Fricking. Adorable. Kinda like the looks that Josh Farro used to have whenever he was looking at Hayley Williams (Google that shiznit up). Except this is more adorable, since we're talking about AJ, one of the most adorable human being breathing on God's green earth today. Wow. I'm stoked. Seriously. If someone look at me the way AJ is looking at D-Bryan in this pic, I'll so totally go down on a knee and propose her right on the spot (not really, but this blog is really in need of a hyperbole, so yeah).. When this shot was captured, D-Bryan was talking about winning the World Heavyweight Title, but clearly AJ doesn't give a crap about that.. She gives a whole load of crap on D-Bryan.. Kinda related to me, you know? I know what you guys are thinking.. "Relating yourself to AJ Lee!? #AreYouSeriousBro!?".. Haha.. Pathetically, yeah. : / But anyways, yeah, I was being serious.. I am almost certain that I give EXACTLY the same look everytime my newly-found sister is talking to me.. Yeah, every single time.. It's like the whole world is revolving around her, you know.. And yet she still couldn't tell.. And at that moment, these words will be trying to get out of my mouth; "Couldn't you tell by now that I like you?? No?? You're kidding me, right?? NO!? #AreYouSeriousBro!? I mean, Sis!?".. Yeah, that always happens in my life.. Believe it.
Now, here's some quick facts for you guys; Daniel Bryan stands 178cm tall (kinda like me, 181cm) and weighs at 95kg (wayyyyyy heavier than me.. he's 95kg of muscles, while I'm 60kg of fats).. AJ Lee, on the other hand, is 160cm (almost a 20cm height difference with D-Bryan) and 48kg (lighter than me! wait, is that good or bad? whatever).. That just shows how size doesn't matter in a relationship.. (somewhere in the background I can hear R-Truth yelling "true that!!".. oh wait, that was me?) Yeah, indeed it was me.. But enough with that. Now, back to the pic.. Isn't it just sweet when you look at a couple in which a guy is way taller than his girl, as if he is towering you, keeping you away from danger.. That is exactly what I wanted in life.. No, I'm not looking for a tower.. I want to BE the tower.. I want to be someone that my newly-found sis can put her faith on, as much as she can.. But unfortunately, I'm not really that good of a man, and I might be letting her down.. That is, if she is putting her faith on me.. Maybe she shouldn't.. But I don't care. I am up to the challenge. Put your faith in me! I will change myself to be better, just to keep you safe inside me, like a tower that I always dream of becoming! Whoaaaa, I'm being a bit too emotional right here. Maybe this post is a bit more frictional than what I thought it would be.. La la la, ha ha ha.. Now here's some quick facts about me and my newly-found sis. I am 181cm, 60kg.. She is soooooo petite, I'm guessing that she is about the size of AJ, maybe even smaller.. And you know by "even smaller", I mean "even cuter".. Just saying. Oh, and one last fact. I am officially admitting that I have a crush on my newly-found sis. (PIPEBOMB!!)
That was stupid. That was unnecessary. That was irrelevant. And that's pretty much it for this week. Until next time. Make sure you'll be there.
[P/S: Any ideas for my blog's new heading banner and signatures would be very appreciated.]
Monday, January 2, 2012
Frictional Blog 9 [The 2nd Annual Thank You Edition]
It's time, once again, for everyone to hitch a ride on my annual roller-coaster of gratitude, as I will now list up the 10 most important entity that I would like to thank the most in 2011.. Don't be surprised if you couldn't find your name in here, as I might have left you off the list inadvertently.. So, sorry in advance.. But before we kick the list off, may I ask a question (while sitting cross-legged on the floor, ala CM Punk).. What's the point of the Frictional Blog without the Frictional part?? Again I would like to remind you if you're reading for the first time or you're just a hard-headed reader who still reads the Frictional part regardless of you being a sorry-but-I-don't-want-nor-do-I-need-any-enemy-or-fight type of guy.. Please skip the next paragraph and proceed to the end of year Thank You list.. May I remind you that the next paragraph might contain some negative slurs, adjectives and, of course, some burnt up words (then again, what's the point of the FB without those words?).. So proceed with caution.
I hate you. Really. Seriously. Totally. Undeniably. Unquestionably. Undoubtedly. 100%. I hate you. But of course, you wouldn't be reading this right now, after what happened last week after you read last week's post. Unless you're a hypocritical gelatinous parasitic tapeworm of a human being. But I don't give a blue craptastical hell about that. Hell, I could never, ever care less about you. So no thanks for you this year. Ohhh no. The only "thanks" that I might give you is for showing me how burnt up a relationship could be, how pathetic of a creature I am for putting my trust and believe in you, and for killing me without any physical contact. But I won't. Thanks to other people around me, I am now resurrected, and you need to say goodbye for this little fist-sized things that is beating like a broken metronome (maybe you've heard of this, it's called a broken heart. guess who broke it?) as this will be the last time you come across my mind. New year, new life, new breath to be taken in and out, and I certainly wouldn't wanna be breathing the same air that you do. I'm moving on. Get the frick out of my life. So much for being my S.O eh? Or maybe my best friend? Do you actually, sincerely think that putting me on a guilt trip would solve anything??? Ahhh, just shut the (you know the word) up. Can't believe what I thought would be a huge part of my life has turned straight into the biggest chapter in my book of DILLIGAF. And I certainly don't give a (you know the word). Goodbye. Sayonara. Adios. Douche.
Now that I got that piece of shiznit off my chest, let's flip a frown into a smile as I am now thanking the 10 entities who has been very helpful, supportive and basically everything to me.. Let's begin.. Shall we?
#1 - Allah SWT (God). To supply enough oxygen for me to let the flames inside me stay ignited for another full year.. And for everything that I've come across.. And for every person that I've met/get to know. And for every place I've come across.. And for every piece of time that I've spend.. Basically, for everything. Without YOU, I won't be doing what I am, was and ever will be doing. Thank you Allah.
#2 - My family. From my mother, to my big bro, to my father, all across Battery City, to all my grandmas and grandpas, my aunts, uncles, cousins, niece, all the way back to Port Dickson.. Every single member of my family.. Thank you guys. So much.
#3 - My teachers and/or lecturers. I've said enough about my teachers last year.. I'm thanking them again this year (especially my awesome Physics teacher, Mrs Azra), but I'm emphasizing on my new lecturers here in my new college.. Without them, I wouldn't be getting a 4.00 pointer (but a B for English??? are you serious bro???) for the past semester.. So thank you.. Some of the lecturers that crosses my head right now are Miss-turned-Mrs Syaza, Mr Amir-ul, Mrs Wan Rosilah and Mr Nash, all 4 being the tutorial teachers for my Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Maths classes respectively.. I'd mention the others, but I only have 3 hours left to grab my Playstation and go crazy on any game that I can put my hand on in that short amount of time, so I'll update this list whenever I have the time oh-kay? I am really sorry.. Thank you all, anyways.. As I said last year, without you guys I may not be one of, if not, the best in the world.
#4 - My long-time yet still good friends. You guys are awesome.. Seriously.. Several names that popped up in my head when I'm typing this: Zhaf (he played drums for a band and won the band competition, yet I lead-sings a Nickelback song in a medley that comprised songs by Adele and Christina Perri but I lost the acappella competition??? are you serious bro???), Yash, Ann, Ain, Nadiah, Shareena, Sue, Mariah and all the other broskis and broskettes.. Sorry guys if I've left your names.. I'm down to only 2 hours and 45 minutes of quality gaming time, so please don't hate me.. Thanks a bunch.
#5 - My internet friends. From New-Zealander Jessie Parker-Breese (who missed the annual new year chat with me; are you serious bro???), all the way to US-of-A's own Chris Torres, and also everyone in between.. You guys reek of awesomeness! I sure didn't even thought of having friends from all over the world, and you guys are being a good ones to me.. Thanks a lot guys.
#6 - Vince McMahon. For giving me and all the fans of WWE one heck of a year.. I'm proud to be a fan.. And speaking of WWE...
#7 - CM Punk and other current champions in the WWE. 'American Dragon' Daniel Bryan, 'Dashing' Cody Rhodes, 'Long Island Iced Z' Zack Ryder, Evan 'Air' Bourne, Kofi Kingston and Beth Phoenix the 'Glamazon'.. Shows how many young talents that they have in the WWE.. The future is very bright for them.. Not to take anything away from every other wrestler who work their butt off every night and day, shedding blood, sweat and tears for the business.. Again, I'm proud to be a fan.. Thank you WWE for not letting me down.
#8 - My practicum mates, better known as THE Dali. Now here, I'll take my time to drop every single name.. My broski a.k.a the practicum head Hammad Dali, his assistant Amir Bakhtiar, Aideed, Hatib, Tehpu, Umi, Zatil, Jaa, Faz, Hasimah, Ina, Yana, Efa a.k.a Hanun (epic name is epic), Atikah, Fatin Samira, Afiqah, Amirah, Chan, Chelsea, Meyy.. Ohh, and sis Nisa.. You are awesome.. Also, ex-members (but always be remembered) Abduh, Lutfi, Zakiyyah and my good friend whom I got to know since I was 8 (if I'm not mistaken), Mira.. You guys are awesome.. Like, really.. Thank you guys.. You guys made studying enjoyable.. And who can forget the acappella competition recently.. Adele's Rolling In The Deep + Christina Perri's Jar Of Hearts + Nickelback's How You Remind Me = THE Dali's Remind Me How To Roll In Your Deep Jar Of Hearts! Haha.. We did not win, but we had a massive amount of fun, didn't we? And that's all that matters.. Thank you guys.. Will never forget all of you.. Forever awesomeness-reeking are you guys. :)
#9 - My newly-found sister! Hahaha.. This is kinda self-explanatory, I guess.. No words are needed to describe how much she has done for me throughout last year.. She changed a major part of my life.. So sweet, so kind, so cute, so lovely.. Oh-kay, I'm going too far here.. She had also revived, resurrected me from my recent downfall.. No words can describe the awesomeness of her, and how much kindness she's done to me in 2011.. And the secret plan that I have for her, it's still on baybee! Hehe.. I can't summarize the amount of respect, gratitude and love (as a sister, of course) that I have for her.. Thank you so much sis.. Thank you. :D
#10 - Noorel Yaqin. Yeah. THE Noorel Yaqin. Me! Now THIS, THIS is self-explanatory. Haha.. Did I save the best for the last or what?? Thank you for being good to yourself.. For not smoking.. Haha, I'm gonna be straight edge for my whole life! For being myself, keep standing on my two feet, despite all the challenges thrown against me, despite all the backstabbing and facecrushing moments throughout the year.. Despite almost losing the ability to stand and walk when I was 7.. Despite being loved and hated for all my life.. Hey, did I copy my last year thank you wish for myself?? Ahh, forget it.. Thanks for being myself! Be jealous! Hoorah!
And that's it! May there be many more years to come.. We can only hope.. So add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on my Youtube channel.. Thanks for reading.. I fricking love you guys! Until next time.. Make sure you'll be there.
[P/S: I really need to change the heading banner and the signature of my blog. It's getting kinda outdated, you know.]
It's time, once again, for everyone to hitch a ride on my annual roller-coaster of gratitude, as I will now list up the 10 most important entity that I would like to thank the most in 2011.. Don't be surprised if you couldn't find your name in here, as I might have left you off the list inadvertently.. So, sorry in advance.. But before we kick the list off, may I ask a question (while sitting cross-legged on the floor, ala CM Punk).. What's the point of the Frictional Blog without the Frictional part?? Again I would like to remind you if you're reading for the first time or you're just a hard-headed reader who still reads the Frictional part regardless of you being a sorry-but-I-don't-want-nor-do-I-need-any-enemy-or-fight type of guy.. Please skip the next paragraph and proceed to the end of year Thank You list.. May I remind you that the next paragraph might contain some negative slurs, adjectives and, of course, some burnt up words (then again, what's the point of the FB without those words?).. So proceed with caution.
I hate you. Really. Seriously. Totally. Undeniably. Unquestionably. Undoubtedly. 100%. I hate you. But of course, you wouldn't be reading this right now, after what happened last week after you read last week's post. Unless you're a hypocritical gelatinous parasitic tapeworm of a human being. But I don't give a blue craptastical hell about that. Hell, I could never, ever care less about you. So no thanks for you this year. Ohhh no. The only "thanks" that I might give you is for showing me how burnt up a relationship could be, how pathetic of a creature I am for putting my trust and believe in you, and for killing me without any physical contact. But I won't. Thanks to other people around me, I am now resurrected, and you need to say goodbye for this little fist-sized things that is beating like a broken metronome (maybe you've heard of this, it's called a broken heart. guess who broke it?) as this will be the last time you come across my mind. New year, new life, new breath to be taken in and out, and I certainly wouldn't wanna be breathing the same air that you do. I'm moving on. Get the frick out of my life. So much for being my S.O eh? Or maybe my best friend? Do you actually, sincerely think that putting me on a guilt trip would solve anything??? Ahhh, just shut the (you know the word) up. Can't believe what I thought would be a huge part of my life has turned straight into the biggest chapter in my book of DILLIGAF. And I certainly don't give a (you know the word). Goodbye. Sayonara. Adios. Douche.
Now that I got that piece of shiznit off my chest, let's flip a frown into a smile as I am now thanking the 10 entities who has been very helpful, supportive and basically everything to me.. Let's begin.. Shall we?
#1 - Allah SWT (God). To supply enough oxygen for me to let the flames inside me stay ignited for another full year.. And for everything that I've come across.. And for every person that I've met/get to know. And for every place I've come across.. And for every piece of time that I've spend.. Basically, for everything. Without YOU, I won't be doing what I am, was and ever will be doing. Thank you Allah.
#2 - My family. From my mother, to my big bro, to my father, all across Battery City, to all my grandmas and grandpas, my aunts, uncles, cousins, niece, all the way back to Port Dickson.. Every single member of my family.. Thank you guys. So much.
#3 - My teachers and/or lecturers. I've said enough about my teachers last year.. I'm thanking them again this year (especially my awesome Physics teacher, Mrs Azra), but I'm emphasizing on my new lecturers here in my new college.. Without them, I wouldn't be getting a 4.00 pointer (but a B for English??? are you serious bro???) for the past semester.. So thank you.. Some of the lecturers that crosses my head right now are Miss-turned-Mrs Syaza, Mr Amir-ul, Mrs Wan Rosilah and Mr Nash, all 4 being the tutorial teachers for my Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Maths classes respectively.. I'd mention the others, but I only have 3 hours left to grab my Playstation and go crazy on any game that I can put my hand on in that short amount of time, so I'll update this list whenever I have the time oh-kay? I am really sorry.. Thank you all, anyways.. As I said last year, without you guys I may not be one of, if not, the best in the world.
#4 - My long-time yet still good friends. You guys are awesome.. Seriously.. Several names that popped up in my head when I'm typing this: Zhaf (he played drums for a band and won the band competition, yet I lead-sings a Nickelback song in a medley that comprised songs by Adele and Christina Perri but I lost the acappella competition??? are you serious bro???), Yash, Ann, Ain, Nadiah, Shareena, Sue, Mariah and all the other broskis and broskettes.. Sorry guys if I've left your names.. I'm down to only 2 hours and 45 minutes of quality gaming time, so please don't hate me.. Thanks a bunch.
#5 - My internet friends. From New-Zealander Jessie Parker-Breese (who missed the annual new year chat with me; are you serious bro???), all the way to US-of-A's own Chris Torres, and also everyone in between.. You guys reek of awesomeness! I sure didn't even thought of having friends from all over the world, and you guys are being a good ones to me.. Thanks a lot guys.
#6 - Vince McMahon. For giving me and all the fans of WWE one heck of a year.. I'm proud to be a fan.. And speaking of WWE...
#7 - CM Punk and other current champions in the WWE. 'American Dragon' Daniel Bryan, 'Dashing' Cody Rhodes, 'Long Island Iced Z' Zack Ryder, Evan 'Air' Bourne, Kofi Kingston and Beth Phoenix the 'Glamazon'.. Shows how many young talents that they have in the WWE.. The future is very bright for them.. Not to take anything away from every other wrestler who work their butt off every night and day, shedding blood, sweat and tears for the business.. Again, I'm proud to be a fan.. Thank you WWE for not letting me down.
#8 - My practicum mates, better known as THE Dali. Now here, I'll take my time to drop every single name.. My broski a.k.a the practicum head Hammad Dali, his assistant Amir Bakhtiar, Aideed, Hatib, Tehpu, Umi, Zatil, Jaa, Faz, Hasimah, Ina, Yana, Efa a.k.a Hanun (epic name is epic), Atikah, Fatin Samira, Afiqah, Amirah, Chan, Chelsea, Meyy.. Ohh, and sis Nisa.. You are awesome.. Also, ex-members (but always be remembered) Abduh, Lutfi, Zakiyyah and my good friend whom I got to know since I was 8 (if I'm not mistaken), Mira.. You guys are awesome.. Like, really.. Thank you guys.. You guys made studying enjoyable.. And who can forget the acappella competition recently.. Adele's Rolling In The Deep + Christina Perri's Jar Of Hearts + Nickelback's How You Remind Me = THE Dali's Remind Me How To Roll In Your Deep Jar Of Hearts! Haha.. We did not win, but we had a massive amount of fun, didn't we? And that's all that matters.. Thank you guys.. Will never forget all of you.. Forever awesomeness-reeking are you guys. :)
#9 - My newly-found sister! Hahaha.. This is kinda self-explanatory, I guess.. No words are needed to describe how much she has done for me throughout last year.. She changed a major part of my life.. So sweet, so kind, so cute, so lovely.. Oh-kay, I'm going too far here.. She had also revived, resurrected me from my recent downfall.. No words can describe the awesomeness of her, and how much kindness she's done to me in 2011.. And the secret plan that I have for her, it's still on baybee! Hehe.. I can't summarize the amount of respect, gratitude and love (as a sister, of course) that I have for her.. Thank you so much sis.. Thank you. :D
#10 - Noorel Yaqin. Yeah. THE Noorel Yaqin. Me! Now THIS, THIS is self-explanatory. Haha.. Did I save the best for the last or what?? Thank you for being good to yourself.. For not smoking.. Haha, I'm gonna be straight edge for my whole life! For being myself, keep standing on my two feet, despite all the challenges thrown against me, despite all the backstabbing and facecrushing moments throughout the year.. Despite almost losing the ability to stand and walk when I was 7.. Despite being loved and hated for all my life.. Hey, did I copy my last year thank you wish for myself?? Ahh, forget it.. Thanks for being myself! Be jealous! Hoorah!
And that's it! May there be many more years to come.. We can only hope.. So add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on my Youtube channel.. Thanks for reading.. I fricking love you guys! Until next time.. Make sure you'll be there.
[P/S: I really need to change the heading banner and the signature of my blog. It's getting kinda outdated, you know.]
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