Friday, January 27, 2012

Frictional Blog 11 [The Wall-Breaking Edition]


Another day, another craptastic idea, another frictional post.. Hah, talking like I've been posting everyday.. Who am I to talk like that?? Anyways, this will be a special post, as I will talk about not 3, but 5 fricking topics!! Now who else can bring this kind of unpredictability to you?? Oh-kay, everyone else.. But nonetheless - hell, nevertheless - let's begin.

Topic #1: Pro Wrestling - Evan Bourne's suspended.. Again!? 

Evan Bourne, you are plain stupid. Seriously. Totally. Undeniably. Unquestionably. Undoubtedly. 100%. You are stupid. I may contemplate with you when you got busted for using drugs the first time around, but being busted again only 48 days after your last suspension ends?? Dang. You'll never learn, will you? There goes all my respect for you.. You're just another Jeff Hardy now.. So pathetic.. I feel stupid for putting my trust in you.

Topic #2: Pro Wrestling - Chris Jericho has finally returned.. And this week he finally speaks.

I am a Jerichoholic.. I always enjoy his work of art, regardless of being in the ring, on the mic (both at cutting promos and at concerts as the lead vocalist of Fozzy), and even on Twitter.. When he finally made his return a few weeks back, I quickly asked for my practicum mate to bring along her broadband to our English meeting, as anything involving Chris Jericho is a must-see.. And the way the writers built him up after that, HAH! Pure awesomeness.. While I still don't get what he's trying to tell by "the end of the world", I believe it has something to do with CM Punk.. I don't know why, but I just feel it.. Hopefully he'll win the Royal Rumble this Sunday (Monday local time, GMT +8).. Oh, and too bad we didn't get to see Chris Jericho wrestling in the same corner with CM Punk and Daniel Bryan last week, cause that would be a dream come true for me.. But still, I enjoy watching it.

Topic #3: Gaming and Pro Wrestling - I seriously need WWE 12, like, right now.

*sound of static*

*awesome guitar riff*

"Look in my eyes-ah.. What do you see-ah?" I know what I see.. I see CM Punk with long hair and a squirrel under his chin, because I have to get through this study break playing WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2011 instead of playing the latest installment of WWE games, which many have claimed to be the best wrestling game ever made, WWE 12!! Aaargh!! I. Need. To. Get. My. Hands. On. The. Game. Ayy. Ass. Ayy. Pee (that's ASAP; as soon as possible, by the way)! But hey, at least I created the Funkasaurus, Brodus Clay a couple of days ago, so I don't really feel like it was a waste of time though.. But still, I NEED THE GAME!!

Topic #4: Personal and Frictional - I need to change, and hopefully I will.

Oh-kay... So I drank a lot - and I mean "a gallon"-ish lot - of Pepsi last year.. And I don't really care, to be honest.. I enjoy drinking Pepsi.. It calms, soothes me.. I don't know how, but it does.. But one person might have made me change my mind, and I think you all know where I'm going right here.. Yes, again, I am pointlessly rambling about my newly-found sis-turned-crush-yet-not really-turned-so-yeah-she-is-still-my-sister.. Oh-kay, that's messed up.. I'm talking about my new found sister, simply put. But then again, stop drinking Pepsi is not really a huge change, quite frankly.. But I didn't said that my perception to Pepsi is the only thing that she's successfully committed a change on in me, did I? I don't wanna leak too much information, but she is slowly changing me into someone better (I'm not telling why *sticking tongue out of my mouth*).. And this little fact, right here, is very essential to me, as it plays a huge role in my secret plan that I've been mentioning on this blog all the time..

Topic #5: Personal and Frictional - So why the hell is my plan taking too much time?

Read Topic #4.. That's why.. Because I need to change.. She's being very good to me.. Hold on, let me rephrase that.. She is very good, period. There has never been anyone who treated me as good as her.. And besides that, she takes care of herself very good as well.. I'm  not talking about lame stuffs like hygiene and health and all that shiznit; I'm talking about herself, in a religious point of view.. She is very good at that.. I don't think I deserve someone like her.. That's why I need to change.. That's why I need like 5 to 6 years of time to change myself.. (the last sentence sounds like I'm putting myself in jail and do some time in it.. haha) And trust me when I say this; I will change for the better.. Although it will take some time, I still will.. And I will make sure that I will deserve her, as much as she will be deserving me.. Hahh, determination is all I have right now.. That's why I need all of your support and prayers.. In God's will, we will be deserving each other.. Now what am I talking about?? I've been talking too much that I might have spoiled my secret plan.. Good God Almighty.

And I think that's it for today! Please check out all my past posts, add me on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to me on Youtube.. You won't regret it, I promise you.. Hahh.. Until next time.. Make sure you'll be there.

Frictional Blog.